god, life is so hard

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by marquee, May 21, 2004.

  1. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    God, life IS hard. I mean...waking up, dressing yourself, THINKING...god, what is our world coming to when people are expected to think?

    I have an idea: Why don't you drop out of school, but just to be fair, you pay the school fees of 2 kids in Africa WHOSE SCHOOLS DON'T EVEN HAVE LIGHTBULBS, LET ALONE FLOCENT LIGHTS AND DESKS!

    I mean, 100 million children around the world aren't enrolled in a school at all. Man, they must have the greatest life on earth. Plowing the fields, collecting firewood, weeding, cooking, planting, harvesting, begging. It must be paradise...

    And if anyone in the world deserves to waste their potential on getting high and avoiding life's problems, it's you my friend. You deserve to sit on your ass and smoke while a few thousand kids die of hunger everyday. You should get plastered out of your mind, because those kids over there in India who just watched their mother die of AIDS, shit, they don't know pain. I mean, you deserve to be completely pain-free, because life isn't about doing things you don't want to do, it's not about learning to deal with the consequences of your actions, and it's certainly not about living up to any potential you might have. Life is about remaining in a drug-induced state with the illusion of euphoria.

    Hey, why doesn't everyone in the Western World drop out of school and then all the countries on earth will be equally striken with POVERTY. Sounds like fun to me!
  2. Peace

    Peace In complete harmony.

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    Hey and how is that helping? You're not in Africa or India helping so you don't have much room to speak either. While most people in this thread are helping this kid or giving suggestion, you're just here to yell at people. How can he figure out what to do if people are just yelling at him?
  3. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    How can I be yelling if all I'm doing is writing? And for your information, I have been to africa and have seen classrooms with 1 lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and 75 kids in one classroom with one teacher. I'm not saying he has to save the world--I'm saying he should have a little more gratitude for the opportunities he's been given and not be so arrogant to think that he is somehow above having inconveniences in his life, which is the impression I got from reading his post.
  4. marquee

    marquee Member

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    fuck you, you damn do-gooder. who are you to assume that nothing bad has happened to me? dont compare my life or frustrations to fucking kids in africa, because i certainly didn't. are we no longer allowed to have angst or depressions about the meaningless of things just because other people have it worse?

    wait a minute, i guess i really shouldnt be yelling at you because, after all, you have been to africa and seen kids suffer. i mean, how can i be mad at someone who is obviously such a good person? youre right, i really shouldn't feel deppressed about the emptiness in the society i live in because african kids dont have enough to eat. i think that accepting things that make you unhappy is a great way to live, just as long as other people are more unhappy. dick.

    and another thing, dont tell me to be grateful that ive been given something i hate. what life is about is all relative and to me, life should be about getting by and getting high. what makes working hard for more money and working hard to keep the money more meaningful? no matter what we do, we end up dead. life in a drug-induced haze is no different than life spent in reality.
  5. WeeDMaN

    WeeDMaN a pothead

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    I completely agree with what ur saying, whenever someone in my skewl wastes a full bag of chips or thier lunch, or thier drinks, I think of the hungry kids in africa who die every day because there isnt enough food, little water and when they get it, its ussually dirty and not good to drink. I think of the kids, and how it must hurt for them, throwing out food, or wasting food(even wasting ur education) is just as bad as teasing those kids in the face, with food and clean water, while they are watching you hold the food infront of them and eating it while they have to watch and suffer. Think about it that way. except replacing food with education.
  6. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    LMAO!!! Yes, damn me and my...my...stupid compassion!! God, caring about other human beings, how retarded is that?

    First of all, I never said you couldn't have agnst or depression, but when it's about meaningless things such as "I donwanna go ta skewl today! Waaaahhh!" then yes, your right you have no right to complain. I never said everything in your life was perfect, because I don't know you. Maybe if you posted about your real problems, I wouldn't be so harsh.

    I'm sorry, did someone promise you that you school was going to be easy and fun? Because if they did, they lied to you. You can hate something and still be grateful for it. I hated school, but I'm...what's that word? Oh yeah, intelligent enough to realize how damn good I have it.

    I never said you had to accept anything. In fact, if your unwilling to go through any kind of discomfort at all because you think you're special, go ahead, drop out of school. Just don't expect my tax dollars to take care of you. And if you do drop out, the least you can do is take responsability for your actions by not complaining when you're 30 years old and either homeless or living with your mommy.

    Oh, and is our society too empty for you? Aw, I'm sorry. That must be why your so miserable. Don't worry, it's not your fault. It's society's. Society should have bought you that pot when you needed to escape your problems.

    You're right. We shouldn't care. We shouldn't care about anyone but ourselves. Apathy is what makes the world go round. Let's think of all the wonderful things that apathy has done for us: Apathy ended the Holocaust. Apathy started the Civil Rights Movement. Apathy brought an end to the Draft. Apathy freed the slaves. Apathy bought women the right to vote. Wow. Let's all give a huge THANK YOU to apathy!!! Woohoo!!

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go light up a fatty so I don't have to waste so much energy thinking about other people. :)


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