well im glad ur exercising ur right of free speech good for u but u dont see me criticizing u now do u?
I have not given any grounds to criticism. It was not I who posted this idiotic, stereotipical, superficial thread.
*sigh*.... ur just being stupid now and i really dont care wat u say u can say w/e u want i really dont care just keep on calling me superficial and idiotic cause ur insulting no1, just making urself look stupid
I don't really care what other people wear, why would anyone? If you don't find it attractive why look for crying out loud. So plus sized people should never wear swimsuits? Give me a break, if this is something that really bothers you that much, I want your life, it must be nice to have no real worries...
Stupid? how? If you would not care about what I said, you would not take it seriously, like you do. I am not trying to "insult" you, i'm trying to put you in perspective of your own mentality.
I agree.. I would much rather not look at "big" "fat" tubbies walking around with thier flab hanging out.. I use to work at an All you can eat BBQ place.. Man you would not believe some of the fat fucks that came in there DAILY! SOMETIMES TWICE A DAY!! This one guy was named Fat Basterd.. He drank about a gallon of diet coke, 3/4# of pork, 2 plates full on salad bar, 4 bowls of fries, and 3 4oz cups of coleslaw.. YUCK! But overall.. I really dont care.. It gives me a good laugh.. Creates a good punch line for jokes at work..
it doesn't matter who you are or what size you are theres always going to be someone who doesn't like the way you look. so dress for your self not other people or you might as well never go out. and i mean this seriously i love guys with big bellies so don't cover them up the tighter the tshirts the better! oh Jetblack i'm not going to judge you for your views but come on making a statement like you did is going to invite some negative comments you can't be surprised surely s
jet, you can't say something nasty then try to cry off like you never said it. sac up, you're an asshole. you exercised your free speech, as did i.
well i wouldn't call him/her an asshole for a nasty comment but i would say why i didn't agree with it s
yeah, you're right, i shouldn't have fallen on name calling, it's the worst. thanks for calling me on that.
Ya, no biggy on how people dress in my book. Yes, sometimes it doesnt look that great, but I cant really be the judge since I am not the best dresser in the world. I am always wearing sweats and a t-shirt, or jeans and a t-shirt. its what I am comfortable in. Just like a big person would be comfortable in mid-driff t-shirts and such. oh, and KC--you are a beautiful person!
thanks, dust. you know, for overwieght people, i know i get unbearably hot, and i cannot function in stifling clothes. besides, why should only skinny girls get to wear the cute and pretty stuff?
exactly KC. My sisters, sister-in-law is like 5' 9'' and weighs a whopping 90lbs. (she is anorexic) but it is just rather disgusting to see her wear clothes that show every bone in her body. thankfully she has gained 20lbs, and is working on getting her shit straight. yup to each their own!! wear whateva ya wanna wear. fuck what other people think.
well, you know what you look like, but after a certain point, you just don't give a shit what other people think anymore. i'm not going to not go to the lake and party with my family in a freaking tent. i'm going to wear a bathing suit, whether anyone likes it or not. not gonna put my life on hold for other people.