God Help Me! I have a puppy

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by Fizzyliftingdrink, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. Fizzyliftingdrink

    Fizzyliftingdrink Member

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    I have a puppy who is about 6 and a half months old. He is a black lab. I love him a lot. He is so freaking hyper though, and he still pees on the floor sometimes! I get so frustrated with him. He jumps up on the table and eats food off of it. When he sees me coming around the corner, he jumps down, because he knows he's being bad. Nothing is worse than waking up in the middle of the night to take the dog out to go pee, and finding out that he doesn't have to go because he already went on the floor and finding out because your bare foot is right in the puddle!! GOD!! What were we thinking??
    It excites me to know that someday in the future (hopefully not too distant future) he'll be a good, calm, loyal friend. But for now,he's a peeing, jumping, eating, puking machine.
    Can anyone relate?
  2. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    my dog lily is about 9 mths old and ive had her since july.....
    she has a problem using the bathroom on the carpet....every day.
    she knows to go outdoors but doesnt mind peeing inside whenever she feels the need either. i really dont know what to do. im thinking maybe puppy pads might help.......

    yeah she chews everything and jumps on tables and such as well....i think its adorable when shes being a "terror". she is so freakin cute! her motto is " ain't i a stinka?";) (yeah i stole it from bugs bunny)
  3. Sus

    Sus Hip Forums Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I"ve used puppy pads for my dog, and they work wonders...gives the doggie a place to go inside if he/she decides not to wait to go outdoors... :rolleyes:

    I've heard that labs can be hyper as pups (don't have any personal exoerience with them), but they do grow out of it, and become very good, obedient dogs. You may, if you can, hurry the experience along a bit by going to a trainer...some pet stores have pet training classes at reasonable prices...

    Your puppy sound wonderful...good luck with him!
  4. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    lucky you...puppies are so much fun and worth all the hard work and 'inconveniences'
    you can train a 12 week old puppy to only do its 'business' outside in just 48hrs.. training a 6 month old puppy is a bit harder but the theory behind the training still works if youre commited to it...
    first never scold him/her for any 'accidents'... calmly ignore them totaly...hard but this 'no reaction' policy is important...
    Then when you have a few days off...say the weekend...when you can put all your attention into it.... put the puppy outside every opportunity you get... if it performs for you say an association word as its doing it...i say 'do Do's'...but always stick to the same word... then give LOADS of praise and cuddles.... still ignoring any 'accidents' in the house...
    It works EVERY time and you could have a pee free house in just one weekend...
    As for the association word...well eventualy you will be able to train it to go on command where it suits you just by your word..
    Got to be worth a weekend or maybe two of effort...
    good luck....
  5. Lilyrayne

    Lilyrayne Chrisppie

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    A good sturdy crate and crate training are an valuable part of raising a puppy. Once the puppy has been trained to the crate, he will see it as his own little space. You can shut him up in there at night and he won't go to the bathroom in there because dogs don't pee in their beds. But you have to be vigilant to give him plenty of bathroom breaks by taking him outside to let him do his business. When he does do his business outside, give him lots of praise for it.

    Also a very strict feeding schedule will help a lot, meaning feed him the same amount of food at the same time every day. Don't free feed, leaving food out all day for him to munch on whenever he pleases, as this will make him have to poop all day long in small amounts. If you feed him at the same time every day, he will need to poop at about the same time every day and once you figure out his body's schedule, you can predict when he will need to go and take him out. Once he learns that you will take him out he will wait those few extra minutes that you're off on his schedule.

    Do leave water out for him though, but if you can get his poop schedule down to a predictable time frame, you can begin to get his pee schedule down too. With puppies that are around 6 months old, I would take them out to pee after they eat, after a play session, after they wake up, and about 20 or 30 minutes after they drink a LOT of water. They almost always need to go after those times, and if you can get them out for those, that takes care of those pees and not only that it helps them learn to go outside. As for the pees in between those, start by taking him out every hour. if he doesn't seem to need to go very much, start taking him out every hour and a half, then every 2 hours, until you've pegged his body's schedule as far as needing to pee. Then keep up with it. He'll start to rely on the pee schedule and if he needs to go before his next pee break he'll be more likely to hold it, because he knows he will get to go out soon.

    Hope that helps!
  6. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    if he's typical of the lab breed he will make a nice, placid, faithful pet :)

    they do have a somewhat "hyper-happy" puppyhood tho' :p
  7. scarlett

    scarlett Member

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    Each dog is different and your dog may be hyper peeing, jumping, eating, and puking machine forever! Lol. Maybe not though! My shih-tzu's are from the ages 3-7. Some still pee and poop in the house even if they are let out and a couple are very hyper..some aren't. Yes, Sometimes they puke. Haha. If your puppy is an inside dog then while you are asleep you need to put down puppy pads or newspaper and train him that way for indoors. Then he will only know to pee and poop on those when he's inside. If you don't use a crate (which I might do at night although I am kind of..against it! Hehe) don't put out alot of water unless you want him to constantly pee everywhere. Alot of dogs are really hard to train but labs are very smart and are usually easy to. I also have a lab and have been around MANY and every single one I have been around are very hyper and annoying. Lol! But very smart.
  8. Fizzyliftingdrink

    Fizzyliftingdrink Member

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    He hasn't been peeing, but the last two nights he has POOPED on the floor! He NEVER poos on the floor! He must have a new pooping schedule or something. I set the alarm to get up to take him out at 3:00 in the morning, then when we wake up at 6:00 in the morning, there will be POOP ON THE FLOOR!! I can't even believe it! I think I may start to feed him earlier at night or something to try to figure this one out. When he was a baby puppy he only pooed on the floor twice! I think it could also be because we are letting him run around in the yard by himself more, and he's able to just go whenever and wherever he pleases and he might think it's the same inside. Who the heck really knows what a puppy thinks though, eh?
    He used to pee in his crate every night. He doesn't sleep in it any more though. He behaves fine now when we leave him out, and he dosesn't pee on the floor every night. Pee is easy to mop off the floor, but it gets annyoing to put his blanket in the washing machine every night.
    God love him!
  9. dadakon

    dadakon Member

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    Walk with him as much as you can (2-3 hours a day, running and playing)! Believe me, this is the way not have all your problems!

  10. Fizzyliftingdrink

    Fizzyliftingdrink Member

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    Thanks everyone!
    He's a good dog. We've been letting him out more and he runs all over the place and gets out a LOT of energy.
    He was sick last week, that's why he was pooping on the floor. He's allright now.
  11. dadakon

    dadakon Member

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    That's good! :)

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