Well, that's not entirely true. Aerianne made a Jesus Dance thread, and the Chat thread that Orison made had a holiday theme. There was a "Merry Christmas" thread, but it seemed to be directed to barefooters only. Anyways, to all those observing the holiday, Merry Christmas to you!
Your thread title may break the rules of logic newbie-one, like saying 'is this a sentence?'. Hmm, a philosophical conundrum. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!
Christmas is more of a European cultural tradition than it is a religious holiday. Santa Claus is the star of Christmas. I agree that Christmas has become too commercialized. I think there should be a rule that people should only buy presents for kids 12 and under at Christmastime. I like Christmas trees, Christmas lights, decorations, Christmas music, and the general concept of a holiday dedicated to peace and goodwill. It would be a better holiday if it could be rescued from commercialization.
In that case, we'll hang you by your ankles from the rafters so that couples can kiss underneath you Merry Christmas VG
Awesome!!! I totally agree, but what the heck, MERRY CHRISTMAS anyway! Yum! Sounds like fun! Wish there was a decent sushi place around these here God-forsaken burnt-out areas... or any decent restaurants at all! Well, at least there is Grocery Outlet and Fakeway... we can get the basics and make anything we want... but fresh seafood is problematic so far from the ocean. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year to all! And thank you for being here!