As this scripture shows 1 Peter 5:7 while you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.
If we are Gods - as Jesus says we are - than I too care about all people and animals. I wish for the greatest good and fair equal treatment of all. I wish for an end to evil and an end to inequalities.
How could Peter know this? If that were true for all of us, how is it that God hated Esau even before he was born? Regards DL
Think in evolutionary terms, where good is cooperation and evil is competition, as competing created losers and victims to those competitions. If we end evil, we end man's evolution and we will go extinct. That evil, is a small part of the good and is thus actually good as we need it. Regards DL
Peter was a disciple of Jesus and as far as Esau, I would have to see the scripture that God hated Esau