Wondering if anyone else here connects with God as their cosmic spouse? It's a form of worship I just naturally fell into many years ago. I am so deeply in love with Lord Shiva that my heart sometimes just aches for him as the poet Akka Mahadevi's must have done. It is not an easy path to discuss in this modern world so it would be great to talk to others who get it! Adoring God As Lover Or Spouse In Hinduism | Hindu Blog "I have fallen in love, O mother with the Beautiful One, who knows no death, knows no decay and has no form; I have fallen in love, O mother with the Beautiful One, who has no middle, has no end, has no parts and has no features; I have fallen in love, O mother with the Beautiful One, who knows no birth and knows no fear. I have fallen in love, O mother with the Beautiful One, who is without any family, without any country and without any peer; Chenna Mallikarjuna, the Beautiful, is my husband. Fling into the fire the husbands who are subject to death and decay." Akka Mahadevi
Hey, I'm pretty sure Shiva is really into that kind of thing. As someone with much more experience in Vaishnavism, I really admire the diversity in forms of worship of Shiva. There is this reputation of his as being supremely accepting of devotion, and I've heard of all kinds of wild acts of devotion that people engage in. I say if you feel drawn to this form of worship, that's a beautiful thing. There's a very famous Vaishnava woman from 1500s, Mirabhai, who refused her arranged marriage because she claimed to be married to Krishna. She went on to dedicate her life to writing some of the best known Krishna bhajans of all time. Following any spiritual path in a serious and uninterrupted way is difficult in the ridiculous mood of our postmodern Society. But the upside to it is that many of us have the freedom to explore these types of ideological and spiritual practices without fear of archaic laws forcing us to adhere to one religion or another. Think, hinduism has so many beautiful traditions in it, and they're wonderful to explore, but it would be entirely another thing to be born into it and forced to adhere to varnashram. Anyway, I just bring all that up because I find myself also feeling ecstatic, but have difficulty bridging the incongruities between my spiritual longing and the realities of our times. The truth is, of you're serious enough about anything, you're going to go against the grain, and that will be difficult. But Mahadev loves that kind of stuff.
yes, lakshmi tantra says the goddess comes to you ask you need most. i would imagine the other puranas make that suggestions as well