Gnostic Communist Tribalism vs Christian Capitalist Individualism

Discussion in 'New Age' started by Wahkon, Jul 2, 2024.

  1. Wahkon

    Wahkon Member

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    By Thomas Ivan DahlheimerWahkon

    In a 2020, New Oxford Review article by Nicholas J. Healy, an article titled "Socialism: A Christian Heresy" — ITS GNOSTIC ROOTS & UNDYING APPEAL — Mr. Healy, a Roman Catholic who formerly practiced maritime law in New York, and, subsequently served as Vice President of Franciscan University of Steubenville, President of Ave Maria University, and President of Newman College Ireland, wrote:

    “When the Soviet Union collapsed internally during the extraordinary years of 1989 to 1991, it was widely assumed that communism was finished; the full-blown experiment of state socialism as prescribed by Marx and implemented by Lenin and his Bolshevik collaborators had come to an inglorious end. It could no longer be denied that socialism had failed in its promise of greater and more just productivity.”

    Rebuttal: If the Soviet Union did not have to fight against America’s promotion of individualism, subservient democracies and capitalist economic imperialism it might have been able to fulfill its socialist promise of greater and more just productivity. With the modern-day advancements of A.I. and robotics to help produce a promised greater and more just productivity, socialism could work. And a one-world government socialist system has not been tried.

    Healy wrote: “Surely, we thought, no one with even a cursory knowledge of the 20th century could possibly advocate for socialism in the sense of state control of the entire economy, much less for communism as its purest and most advanced form.”

    “Even more shocking [than socialism being accepted and implemented in other countries] is that here in the United States, over just a few years, a certain segment of our population has developed an interest in and attraction to socialism. How could this occur in a country that has lifted great numbers of people out of poverty, has maintained a democratic government for over 200 years, and, since the end of World War II, has been the main bulwark against Marxist/socialist aggression? Yet we find socialism newly respectable and somehow appealing to a whole new generation of Americans, so much so that the Democratic Party — the party of FDR, Truman, and JFK — is now suffused with socialist ideas and policies. How can an economic/political system with such a consistent record of failure be preferred to one based on free enterprise coupled with open democracy?”

    Rebuttal: The Democratic Party accepts the scientific evidence of a global climate crisis — caused, primarily, by industrial nations polluting our earth’s ecosystems, of which capitalist USA is one the world’s biggest polluters/villains. Therefore, the Democratic Party is working with the elite globalists of the United Nations and World Economic Forum as well as with the Papacy to solve the global climate crisis. The Papacy has a global socialist agenda. Cardinal Gerhard Muller, former Perfect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, recently stated in a video that the Church is now wrongly promoting "a more socialistic or liberal ideology [to produce] paradise on earth." The video is titled "Cardinal Müller Slams Synodal ‘agenda’ using the Church to Promote Socialist Ideology."

    The Republican Party is in delusional climate-crisis denial. Therefore, it does not see the environmental pollution that American capitalism has dumped on the world, nor can it imagine the future environmental degradation it will cause if not stopped. Because the Democratic Party is not in this delusional denial, the United Nations', World Economic Forum's and Papacy’s global socialist agenda is looking like the solution to the current global environmental crisis by the Democratic Party. This may be part of the answer to why the Democratic Party is interested in and attracted to socialism.

    Healy states in his article that: "The answer may lie in a deeper analysis of the appeal of socialism in its historical and ideological antecedents. Dr. Thomas Heinrich Stark, a professor of philosophical anthropology, laid out in a lecture a profound analysis that traces the appeal of socialism back to the gnostic heresies of the first centuries of the Church. Stark draws heavily on the work of Russian philosopher Igor Shafarevich, who said socialism is one of the universal, fundamental forces effective throughout history. Shafarevich shows through historical evidence that socialism as developed in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries does not reveal its true nature or its underlying appeal."

    "Shafarevich said it is necessary to distinguish between state socialism, which is as old as the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China and “chiliastic socialism,” or the belief in a coming ideal society. Chiliastic socialism arises only with the advent of Christianity and provides socialism with its ideological justification. It is, by nature, a gnostic movement. Stark summarizes the critical difference between Christianity and Gnosticism:"

    Christianity believes: "Man cannot redeem himself from the calamitous situation in which he has been since his falling away from God, not even by a collective effort of united humanity as a whole. The Christian concept of humanity is, therefore, not particularly optimistic." Christianity has a defeatist theology and determinist doctrine, all efforts to bring about a one-world ideal society where there is world peace and universal prosperity is the work of the Antichrist and Satan.

    "Gnosticism, on the other hand, regards man as basically good. Original Sin is denied. Ultimately, evil results from the fact that the material world…emerged from the creation of an evil demiurge (namely, Yahweh). ... Man can liberate himself from his disastrous situation by means of a collective effort, thus creating an ideal social situation within the world and history."

    This author, yours truly, says scientific discoveries reveal that there was no "Original Sin," as described in Bible scriptures. The early Gnostics were right, the creation was corrupt from its origins and not, when finished, as stated by Yahweh in Genesis, "very good" or pure.

    The Catechism Of the Catholic Church also says the creation was originally pure (paragraph 2336). St. Basil the Great described the "pure" creation this way: It is customary for vultures to feed on corpses, but since there were not yet [before Adam's transgression] corpses, nor yet their stench, so there was not yet such food for vultures. But all animals followed the diet of swans and all grazed the meadows."

    The truth is... before the first humans came forth on earth there were hundreds of millions of years of death and corruption on earth. Five mass extinctions of animals had already occurred. That's a lot of dead animal carcasses (or non-vegetarian food) for the vultures to eat. In other words, the creation was NOT pure at its origins and later became corrupt when the first human sinned, or committed "Original Sin." And related to this truth that "the creation was not pure at its origins," is the truth/fact that the creation CANNOT, therefore, be restored to the purity of its origins at the end of history, as the Church teaches. And as Bible scripture also teaches: (Isaiah 65:35) The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

    Gnostic doctrine teaches that the material world was created by, and is ruled by, an evil Entity, the Demiurge, who is the Old Testament "God" Yahweh, and that Jesus Christ was an emissary of the Supreme Divine Being, His Heavenly Father, who could redeem human souls/spirits from the material world - first spiritually and then physically at the time of death - by revealing to them, through their practice of spiritual disciplines, that they are One with Him, that they are God.

    Epiphanes was reputedly the author of On Righteousness, a notable early Gnostic literary work that promotes early socialist principles. It promotes communal living or communitarianism. The early century Gnostics did not believe in creating an ideal society. Hitler's National Socialist ideology was a variant of the Gnostic religion/faith. Hitler believed in creating an ideal world society. The Jews were considered subhuman and possessed by demons because they worshipped, and were created by, Yahweh, the Demiurge.

    Christians worship Yahweh, but they also have a connection with Jesus Christ's Father in heaven. Yahweh inspired a lot of the New Testament and in it deceptively prophesied/promised that "the creation itself will be delivered from its bondage to corruption" and the earth will then miraculously become heaven on earth, which would include the bodily resurrection of the righteous. Hitler's Gnostic socialism (without its Jewish degradation) and Hegal's/Marx's Gnostic communism have become dialectically merged into today's Gnostic communist movement.

    According to Michael O'Fallon and his renowned friend Dr. James Lindsay: The World Economic Forum’s globalists are disrupting and dismantling the current systems and ways of life and replacing them with the environmental--communist--fascist supranationalist concepts of the WEF’s founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab,... and these same globalists are also promoting the Helena Blavatsky, and disciple Alice Bailey, New Age Theosophical-Gnostic worldview.

    Healy wrote: "One common principle of the gnostic/socialist heresies of the Middle Ages was historical determinism. Thus, the ultimate goal to which history points is not divine judgment of the world but the judgment of the elect over their adversaries — and their annihilation. As the Middle Ages ended, the socialist myth merged with positivism and Hegel’s philosophy of history. By the early 20th century, it mutated into cultural Marxism. This is the powerful movement underlying most of the cultural degradation the West has been experiencing for the past century."

    "One of the foremost advocates of this movement was Antonio Gramsci, an Italian philosopher and Communist Party leader. He recognized that in the prosperous West, the masses would never lead a successful revolution. What was needed instead was domination of the culture, which in time would achieve political hegemony. Cultural Marxists such as Gramsci and the Marxist intellectuals of the Frankfurt School, whose best-known member in the U.S. was Herbert Marcuse, have succeeded perhaps beyond their expectations, considering how deeply the reigning culture has undermined marriage and the family, sexual morality, Christianity (especially the Catholic Church), and loyalty to one’s nation."

    Healy wrote: Stark ends his lecture with a short analysis of “Tribalism” as the last stage of the development of socialism. He cites the work of Brazilian philosopher Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, a Catholic who, decades ago, foretold that tribalism would manifest in the 21st century as the final of the four stages of “the revolution” (the first being the Renaissance and Reformation, the second the French Revolution, and the third the communist revolutions). Even earlier, Friedrich Engels, following Rousseau, interpreted the tribal society as a kind of primordial communism in which private property and monogamous marriage were unknown. Thus, the life of the tribe is completely collectivistic.

    Healy wrote: Is it mere coincidence that some leaders of the Catholic Church have embarked on a new appreciation for the tribal societies of the Amazon?

    Amazon Synod papal documents promote the kinship tribal peoples' approach to existence. One Amazon Synodal document, Querida Amazonia, reads: Indigenous “good living” expresses true quality of life (nos 8, 26 & 71), and fulfills the utopia of personal, family, communal and cosmic harmony, expressed, in turn, by the communitarian approach to existence and an austere and simple lifestyle (n° 71): Everything is shared ... There is no room for the notion of an individual detached from the community or from the land” (No. 20). The indigenous people have much to teach us (n°71), and citizens should allow themselves to be “re-educated” by them since it is through them that God wants us to embrace his mysterious wisdom (n° 72).
    In the 1960s, Herbert Marcuse was America's most renowned communist intellectual. He promoted the hippie communal and countercultural revolution. Kinship communitarianism or tribalism is the ideal type of countercultural communitarianism.

    Healy wrote: It is clear that what committed Christians are really up against is not the residue of a failed Stalinist version of communism but something much deeper: a resurgence of those heresies about the nature of man, the nature of the world, and the source of evil that caused untold confusion and suffering in the early Church, during the Middle Ages, and through the French Revolution to the staggering human catastrophes of the 20th century. Socialism, in its modern form, rejects the salvation of Jesus Christ and instead insists that man can be “freed” through the destruction of those institutions — Church, family, and community — that have shackled his natural (and “good”) appetites, and that “equality” can be achieved through the abolishment of private property and all the laws and “rights” that enable it (including, in the U.S., our Constitution).

    Rebuttal: What Christians are really up against is the modern-day scientific evidence that proves that their religion is false, or fundamentally deceptive... and, their heretical religion is what misinforms them about "the nature of man, the nature of the world, and the source of evil." Modern-day socialists who are Gnostic communists do NOT believe that "the destruction of those institutions — Church, family, and community...and also the abolishment of private property — will bring about 'freedom' and 'equality'," because today's Gnostic communists believe that socialist Gnosticism is primarily about the practice of spiritual disciplines to transcend one's false human identity to experience one's true collective divine identity, the ultimate freedom to be attained.

    Participating in the life of the kinship tribe is completely collectivistic. It helps people to transcend their false human identity to experience their true collective divine identity. We are One Divine Being. “According to the ideas of collectivism,” writes Corrêa de Oliveira, “the various ‘I’s’ or individuals merge together, along with their understanding, their will and their feelings, and thus with their own ways of being, and dissolve into the unity of the tribe, which will produce a unified way of thinking and willing as well as a common sense of being."

    The destruction or transformation of institutions that oppose the Gnostic approach, plus the successful promotion of multitudes of people living in a kinship tribal lifestyle — which, along with the successful promotion of the practice of other spiritual disciplines, such as the Eastern religions' (Hindu/Buddhist) meditation techniques (including Kriya yoga and Transcendental Meditation), contemplation and prayer to transcend one's false human identity to experience one's true collective divine identity — will ultimately produce the ideal society.

    This author, yours truly, has been a promoter of hippie kinship tribalism since the late 1960s. I have been prophesying to my extended maternal kinship family, the Mr. & Mrs. I. C. Rainbow family, for over 50 years...declaring that our (I. C.) Rainbow family will come together in kinship tribalism to usher in a New World Order from Wahkon, Minnesota. Wahkon is where one of the 1960s San Francisco Bay Area, communal lifestyle promoting, leaders of the counterculture revolution traveled to, with me. And it is where this counterculture leader and I met and socialized with some other members of the (I.C.) Rainbow family. And it is where I live now. I am hoping that now this prophecy of mine will be fulfilled.

    In 1983, during the Mr. & Mrs. I. C. Rainbow family reunion, my uncle Don Rainbow, after (1.) talking with me about my meeting with one of the world’s foremost renowned theologians, Father Matthew Fox, at the 1982 annual Tekakwitha Conference, a Roman Catholic conference of kinship tribal indigenous peoples of many different tribes of North America, and also after (2.) I prophesying to Don that our Rainbow family will be coming together in kinship tribalism to fulfill a most glorious global mission, he then addressed our family and said “a Rainbow is a sign of God’s salvation plan and I believe that we may be used to glorify God more than any other family in the world.”

    In 1982, a renowned missionary priest, abbot and leader of the Tekakwitha Conference from its origins, Father Stan Maudkin, addressed a large audience during the Tekakwitha Conference lecture by Father Fox and said: “There is a whole world view behind the word wahkon.” Several years later Father Maudlin gave his support for my mission to restore the sacred Dakota-Lakota-Nakota name Wahkon to Minnesota’s badly named “Rum River.” (The Conference also gave its support for the river name-change effort) Today, Rev. Fox (now an Episcopal priest) supports and helps me promote my - whole worldview around the word wahkon (holy) - Rainbow family mission.
  2. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    I don't get it! The OP serves up to us an oxymoron, which Webster's defines as "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words" --in this case: Socialism/Communism, Gnosticism,
    and Native American spirituality. "Wakhon" attempts to unify these ostensibly unrelated concepts in a rambling, incredibly convoluted steam of consciousness , using as a straw man/foil the admittedly questionable statements of a right wing Catholic academic and lawyer, Nicholas Healy, who proposes that Socialism/communism originated with the Gnostics, based on a lecture by another Catholic academic, Professor Thomas H. Stork. To round out this incongruity, our OP drags in the Lakota, his pet tribe of Native Americans. I'll try to sort out some fallacies behind his quixotic endeavor, and to show that truth isn't whatever he wants it to be. Specifically, in future installments, I'll argue that: (1) the Gnostics didn't invent Socialism/Communism in the forms Healy and Wakhon seem to be talking about: a collectivist earthly Utopia to be achieved by humans on earth; (2) the failures of Socialism/Communism are a result of its own deficiencies rather than the fault of the U.S., and future efforts to adopt those systems are likely to achieve similar outcomes; (3) Nature is neither good nor bad, but is simply pursing different goals than ours; (4) humans are neither inherently good nor bad, but most of us are some flawed combination of both; and (5) Native American spirituality, distinguished by a reverence for Nature, is radically different from Gnosticsm (which views it as the defective product of an inferior deity) and from Socialism/Communism, in the materialistic form that Healy abhors.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2024
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    His "Historical" arguments conveniently leave out the fact modern academia has made both the dictionary and analog logic taboo. Oxford professors have been making up their own rhetoric and nonsense words for 200 years. Thanks to almost nobody even knowing how to use a dictionary, academics invented both Fundamentalism and Communism, which use extremely similar rhetoric. You can see the same thing in any mainstream institution, where they all use the same or similar aggressive military rhetoric, because even the churches are aiming for the lowest common denominator.

    To understand war, start with the assumption that academia are liars, posers, and bullies for the military-industrial complex, who prefer to censor half of reality, then blame others for the entire world ecology falling apart, thanks to their own students they teach.
  4. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    As the saying goes, assuming that would make an ass of you and me.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Don't fool yourself, the money is doing all the driving by itself, and the entire civilized world is merely debating who to blame for their own incompetence.

    80% of Americans apply their own morality to everyone else but, seldom, to themselves, while psychologists label them sane, and sell them pills. A quarter of them, one in four people around you, claims the sun revolves around the earth.

    The Gnostics never stood a chance, while the Communists have killed maybe 50 million people, and driven 350 million out of China. Just business-as-usual for their church.

    Without a sense of humor, guilty feet ain't got no rhythm, and you might as well attend a KKK rally and debate who is the worse sinner.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024

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