Harry is officially off the market Set to marry some canadian who cant act and is too old Prince Harry to marry girlfriend Meghan Markle
He can be my daddy. He complains so much about me using that word I think maybe he wants to my daddy. But you're gonna have to balls up and grow your hair again. I Dun need these haircuts you can set a watch too.
Your Sounding Like The "Old Irm" Again......I Could Tell By Your Posts Lately That You Were In Pain And Not A Happy Little Daughter.......Get Well Soon...... Cheers Glen.
they "secretly got engaged?" what does that even mean? it must have been a poorly kept secret if there's already at least 3 hipforums threads about it. and what's up with all the hipforums threads about it anyway? creepy rich guys get engaged all the time, what's the significance of this one?
really? i never would have picked him as a guy that was considered hot. i just google imaged him, and there is a clear before/after with his facial hair. before, he looked exactly like the creepy guy who's going to feel up the passed out girl at the frat party. after, he lost the creepy vibe and looked much more normal but i still wouldn't have guessed that people would say he's particularly hot. poor ginger guys. redhead women are so beautiful, but yeah it really never works out for guys.
I think I'm the only one that doesn't like natural read hair on females. I like dyed red hair on black like I do sometimes but not natural.
^ it depends. a lot of redhead females end up all pasty and over-freckled, and just not attractive. but on the other hand, the absolute prettiest women out there all seem to have red hair. dyed red hair is super hot. i'm kind of a sucker for any hair color that doesn't occur naturally.
I didnt get the Prince Harry thing until, this photo on the right appeared on the front page of several newspapers. Harry running for the chopper in Afghanistan, run Harry run, look at Harry run, ooh, Harry has grown up. He can look goofy sometimes, but the pic on the right, phroar!
Skanky, like buying a used car. Prince is supposed to marry young, fresh and virginal, one that looks straight out of Frozen, a Princess....not an old handbag