Hi there! I'm looking for people who went to Glastonbury in the 70s to take part in a small online, text-based focus group to help with my final year Event Management dissertation. If you can be of any help, it would be highly appreicated. Thanks, Kirsty
It started out with people playing music on bales of hay.My Mum said she took me when I was to young to remember,so I don't remember...
Sadly (10-20 years) I never got there during the 70's - Heard a few (Happy, Hippy) tales, and been there since - Blessed be to those who recorded images of others
I lived in wiltshire from about 76 to 78 & I remember going in the evenings to visit friends.. there were no boundaries, & we walked through fields & the tents were just there.. we had small children so we'd leave again to go home & put them to bed..
I visited the Tor early on, was at the 1971 festival and continued going to the Tor, the Street Hill festivals and so on until the festival returned to Worthy Farm if that helps? There is a '71 survivors' party planned in Glastonbury this Summer. Plenty of material there.