Glad To Have Found You Guys!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Dirtywhitegirl, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Dirtywhitegirl

    Dirtywhitegirl Members

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    I found Hip Forums after googling "Cymbalta side effects" (I was, um, checking for a friend) and a post from your mental health forum led to my checking out your homepage which led to my joining and creating a profile. I think I am amongst friends or at least like minded individuals. I want to apologize to those who were in the chatroom earlier today. I should've realized that a newbie can't bust in with a cheesy "Greetings from Oklahoma"! and I was put in my place properly!
  2. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    drop by the stoners lounge chat thred....friendlier than tht lame chatroom

    welcome here :)
    1 person likes this.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Cymbalta.... One of the worst drugs on the planet.

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