Giving U Advices For Receiving Thesame From U

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by raasea, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. raasea

    raasea Members

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    i believe sex is an art,not that only no but the only art that the artist can extremely enjoy it without the disadvantages of being famous,not only being famous but the others wouldnt even know about it..specially if u r outside the house a gentle looking man/woman & in the bedroom-full of bad manners - if any human being dont want to lose the hotness of sex(excitment,fast heart beats,sensivity,creativity,fantasies..etc) then they should Understand that sex is not a game its better than a game and way more enjoyable . its the (climax) of pleasure (mostly physical pleasure next to butterflies emotions) . both girls and men (specially girls) should never flood the sexual (hunting) arena . a human being should have sex carrying the whole package of responsibilities. and always make it special and dont do it with ALOT of differents people (if u insist on doing it with much people then take it easy and slow.dont have 20 gfs/bfs at the same time). when u decide to have sex dont say (il try and see what they got) no! (say something special is going to happen at least from my side of art) so u wont get disappointment about myself [[i like to do the whole thing from the begining to the end myself]].not dominations but somepeople understand what i mean. thats like a shield to protect you from getting disappointed and a depressing sexual lifestyle]].|| KEEP YOUR CONFIDENCE HIGH-for the sake of you and your partner. . and do it in many styles like hard, soft ,erotic ,whispering ,breathing to the ears,sensual..etc . sometimes make a natural body scents of your body including your Genitalia but not too sweaty and dont do it too much like do it once every ten times coz hygeine is important exept if there is a certain desire from your partner for your natural scents. mouth breath is a number 1 thing you should care about and check-Never even stimulate your partner until u check the breath and take care of the smell . coz that smell is more important than the sweaty smell . mild sweaty smell is desired sometime but for the breath..guess what?? its always required when it smells really good . ud see ur gf frenching just like shes trying to eat u for over an hour of makingout. but 99% of the time take showers , get a masculine perfume and i guess u got the whole idea of smell and scents now ok .monitor what they like . practice asmr and be creative about it . she could orgasm from just you washing her hair sensually with a very little loud breathing sounds of you .do what i told u and {{{ trust me people ,your hearts would explodes when u do these stuff }}} give her/him a real shower from head to toa using only your finger tips..feed her after sex . throw the forks,spoons and knives INFRONT OF HER! and feed her with your finger tips and lick of the food of her hands..lots of things id like to tell people about coz u know what? i dont say i heard or read,no, i say what i really do..all of what i said are just examples that im ejoying and hope they help everybody else too now your turn for advising...
  2. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    You should try sex with another person. It's much better.
  3. raasea

    raasea Members

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    i didnt say dont do it with different point was dont make a cocktail of your sexual life..hundreds of faces u slept with will make it tasteless..& i said if u insist then take it easy and slow not every week a new girl/boy enters your bed
  4. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I honestly didn't even read the whole OP because you don't understand paragraphs. That, by itself, is enough for me to not read a whole post or give a shit about the sexual advise in said post.I skimmed it.
  5. Old_dad

    Old_dad Members

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    Give me a break! You're such an anal cavity that you can't take the time to read something because it's not perfect grammar? You're probably NOT going to learn from it anyway since you already know it all.
    You could probably have a better sex life if you put some imagination into it, but it's quite evident you don't have an imagination or you could imagine the proper sentence structure in the post and take it for what it's intended, an attempt to help people get their love/sex life reignited, or in some people's case just started.
    Life is much better if you take it with a little imagination and forgiveness. Instead of pointing out what's wrong with others take some time to just enjoy it as it comes and not correct it out of existence.
    Slow down, take a minute to see life as it is, it's not always perfect and the people in it are NEVER perfect. If you are waiting for someone to be perfect in every way I'm afraid you're gonna get blisters on your Johnson because that woman isn't going to be along soon.

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