As an older couple, my wife is Sexually done and I am as horny as I ever was. My spouse said It was ok to have sex with others, as long as it didn't interfere with Our life. Have you ever taken advantage of the Green Light situation and did you talk about it with them?
In our 30's, I gave my wife a Green Light, and she used that permission a couple of times. The Green Light is still in effect, but she has not used it again.
It is a slippery slope, unless you are going to prostitutes it will be hard for it not to interfere with your life with her. How will you remain spiritually connected to your wife if you find a woman that gives you everything that she is not. Keep in mind that if a woman shares that level of intimacy with you she will likely desire more that Wham Bam see you next week.... I also think the reality of it happening may change her view, my friend was divorced 10 years and his ex still became a raging lunatic any time she found out he was dating. Not sure how she can possibly not get emotional when she knows bowling night is something else entirely.
mine gave me green light years ago. said GO A head long as i never find out....i only done it couple of times
We are a senior couple and have sex for our health. My wife a superb sex partner. However, we have an agreement that if one of us is incapable to satisfy the other, we can seek out sexual help from someone. We done swing,swap or cheat, I have given to go ahead to find sexual satisfaction from someone else if I can’t perform. She would do the same for me. Sex health is too important in my house.
My wife and I have discussed this and because I have a big sex drive and she understands that I have been having sex with a couple of women. We have no problems about this and it is working out so far
My wife has developed health problems and though her ability to have sex is there she has lost damn near all interest. She doesn't even like to discuss sex like we used to. She has no problem with me satisfying my own self. I've kinda mentioned bout getting a hall pass being I know a couple of opportunities for myself. But she isn't about to give me that pass.
My wife and I had some bumps during menopause, it became clear she lost interest which led to some frustration. During a candid conversation I told her that without intimacy we are room mates not husband and wife which I think struck a nerve because she definitely starting putting forth more effort. She still never initiates but she is receptive most times and it takes some effort to get her motor running but on most occasions she will orgasm. For me the intimacy is very emotional so if she ever mentioned giving me a green light I think my answer would be that we should start looking at a life apart because I could not partition my feelings like that. If I am going to fuck another woman and that woman wants me to fuck her I would have trouble going home and playing house. I doubt it would ever happen though because if another woman flirts with me she gets very jealous. She does not express the jealousy publicly but she becomes very aggressive sexually...She does not care for it but I am pretty much guaranteed anal if another woman even smiles at me.
My partner and I had a torrid sex life for years. She chose to become celibate due to medical issues which given my sex drive affected me seriously. I stumbled into a one time affair that bothered me enough to confront her about it. We discussed the situation and she gave me the "Hall Pass" or green light. This may have been due to my forgiveness of an affair she had years ago. There are conditions she wants me to abide to but they are not restrictive enough to cause issues. I see several women who satisfy my desires. These women know I meet them for sex and sex only. Just yesterday I met with one of my sex partners and it ended up being one of the best encounters we have had. I do not discuss my sex life with my partner. My partner does know these women nor does she want to. She does not know when we meet and has no desire to know anything about my affairs. It only would build up jealousy's in her and that is not needed. This is one of the conditions. My sex play must not interfere with any plans within our partnership. If either one of us has a issue that needs support that comes first. Even if it arises at the last moment. Family gatherings take precedence over any of my sexual trysts. Therefore planning these rendezvous is a formidable task being sure to not interfere with our time together. My sex partners know and have to understand this. So far it has not been an issue over the last few years. I expect some day one will arise but will deal with it then. For now I enjoy my sex life, my pure lustful sex life, under these terms. I have found that since I went down this path I am happier, more content at home, and a lot less frustrated with my partner and her medical issues. She has told me I have become more supportive and attentive to her plus I know in my heart I love my partner more now that I have this outlet.