I just want everyone's opinion. It seems as if lesbians don't like girly girls. Why is this? I'm extremely girly and no one suspects that I would even be with a girl. It gets pretty annoying but what is the reason?
Most lesbians are girly girls to begin with. I'm not and I tend to get annoyed with girly girls that I see but I've been with a girly girl and it worked out for a while. We broke up but not cuz she was a girly girl or anything. I just think girly girls are usually straight so that's why they may not go for it, if that makes sense.
Because of dumb stereotypes...if you're lesbian you must be a bull dyke or look like a dude. If you're a hot lesbian you're only doing it to get guys attention. Its dumb. Do you!
. Yes, that makes perfect sense and that is what I have always thought. I think it's just unfair that people think I am straight JUST because of how I look. I am super girly but it doesn't change who i want or love. I find that a lot of lesbians like the sporty look. I've met girls who change their style to just get noticed or to fit in. I don't agree with that and will never change my style. Why do girly girls annoy you?
There are two kinds of lesbians, one who wants to have a dick and one who wants to get fucked by a girl (in a romantic way). So you are a sweet kind of girl who loves another girl, that's okay. It's just that people think lesbians as mostly the ones who wants to have a dick, I mean the ones who act like dudes and are the dominating one in the relationship. I think your girlfriend is dominating one, am I right?
I'm not like that and many girly girls tend to be uppity and very cheery and I just bring a dark cloud around with me a lot so seeing someone constantly happy annoys me but I honestly think that there's a secret jealousy in there somewhere but, again, I'm just naturally not girly. My friends actually get freaked out if I have a girly moment because I'm just not like that.
I actually prefer the girly girl type. I just wish they would wear a rainbow necklace so I can spot them.
Some do, and some don't. I'm fairly 'girly', and my wife is too. Everybody has their own type. People's expectations are created by society. Including terms like 'girly'. I mean what is 'girly' really, but a term we use to describe things you expect more of girls than of boys. Like long hair. There's plenty of guys with long hair, and you wouldn't consider most of them 'girly'. There's plenty of women with short hair, that are plenty 'girly'. It's 'girly' to play with dolls (unless they're Super Heroes, in which case it's masculine). But toys aren't really for boys or girls, they're for kids, regardless of gender. It doesn't make a boy 'girly' because he plays with Barbies. It doesn't make a girl a 'tomboy' for liking super heroes (I love the flash for example, and Ghostbusters).
I think I'm pretty feminim. Nah. Actually I know I'm a girl. Not a girlie girl though. Hell, I'm like one the guys, but a girl. But also, you can see I'm a girl. I just like guy things sometimes. but then i like girl things too. And I look like a girl. I have long hair, I like to look good etc. I've never been with the short haired types. They seem to be man-haters etc. and that's not the reason why I'm a lesbian because of men issues. Men don't bother me at all and I'm quite the tomboy like I said. Though I've seen the feminim girl and macho partner before it's just less common than the pretty girl/pretty girl or short hair/short hair couples. We get discriminated against by the short haired ones all the time with frowns and talk behind our backs when we are out. Doesn't bother us though. I don't get it but it doesn't bother us. If they're happy looking like males who'm I to say anything? But it won't ever make sense to me.
This is probably my ideal girl. Tomboy who looks like a girl and has long hair. That is soooo attractive.
It seems like it. People primarily stereotype Lesbians. Most people think that to be a lesbian, you have to be dude-ish looking, and that you want to finger-bang a woman right there in front of everyone. It really upsets me. And when a woman that is not a man-ish looking woman, people are so surprised. Even though they shouldn't. I'm a feminine lesbian, very very feminine. If I am truly in love with a woman, it doesn't really matter to me if she looks more like a man than a man does. Even though I prefer other girls who look like girls, I don't really mind. I just am not interested in men. I never have been. I first realized that in the first grade. But to be honest, I don't really know why certain girly girls don't like girly girls... It always puts me in a foul mood. If I were to get involved in a relationship with a woman that is not feminine, I would want her to look like Tegan or Sara...
I'm still not sure what qualifies one as a girly girl. I mean, I like flowers, cooking, gardening, going to antique stores AND basketball, hiking, and surfing. So, I don't know. My ex was part girly girl I guess, but with a healthy dose of butch thrown in. I don't think I could ever be attracted to a full on pink-frilly-lace girly girl. (No offense, just not my thing)
I'm pretty girly. I like makeup and jewelry and chick flicks. Typical girl stuff lol. I just also happen to like girls lol. I think they call us "fems".
With all due respect to our Butch sisters, my wife and I are both girly-girls, and that is how we prefer it.
Spoiler alert. My neighbour is lesbian and has a circle of friends that are a mixture - mostly heterosexual, I think. Not wishing to butt into a females' chat, I'll post something which I think may be relevant but only if someone female asks me to. Nothing worse than a guy butting in, giving his opinion, when he should know better. Bazz