I can honestly say that I was the first to instigate anal with every guy I've been with, including my first anal experience in college. Anal is what I like, and I've never been with a guy who didn't feel the same way. Now, nobody 'instigates" it...it just happens with my husband. It's what we do.
Same as the lady above. I'm always the one who instigates anal in each and every relationship, even with men who prefer anal. I think many men are scared to ask - understandably.
That is without doubt the case in my experience. Only one guy has asked me for it, the other times I got us to the place for it to happen. I found subtlety helped. Saying to a guy "would you stick your cock in my ass please" just isn't going to work.
I think that depends on the guy, Jenny. If a woman I was with came straight out and asked me for anal sex, I would be incredibly turned on. The closest I've had to that was an ex who said "By the way, if you need to put your cock in my ass, that's okay." We didn't stay together forever, but I certainly didn't end the relationship because of the sex.
had anal last night , my partner guides me there with her hand when she wants it in there, im only too happy to oblige!
Mainly it just happens, because only a privileged few have been allowed there and the relationship was such that we knew each other's foibles.
My wife likes anal almost as much as vaginal sex. She initiates it alot. Whenever she whispers in my ear for me to f*** her, she means in the a**. She loves it....almost grunts when we do it. She's gotten to the point now where she almost prefers me to play with her a** more than anything else.