If two men are equally skilled in the bedroom would you prefer the one with a 6 inch length 5 inch girth penis(about average) or the one with a 8x6 penis?
70 years old minimum some women prefer smaller, some can only take smaller. I almost met someone who preferred not to take a chance of having bigger than 5”, she was worried about trying 6” even after assurances of being careful. Unable physically to take more. Not a great loss mutually since we were too different sexually But to make a point about different people, different preferences, different limitations
No, but this place has been inundated with trolls lately. And seeing as that is your first post, it’s in line with trolling. If you’re for real, welcome!
Stay on this forum for a bit and you’ll see the trolls joining. And you’ll see similarities with their first comments.
8x6. Why not? I've used larger dildos, and I wouldn't mind the challenge, by 6x5 is fine too. And yeah, watch out for trolls
Your find the site has a good age mix, but with age comes experience the one thing young guys don't have, so it pays to be aged.
My wife has always been honest with me about our open relationship. She has had a few bigger dicks, and only one she liked, and one was the worst sex, she ever had. So a big one can be good, but there are other factors to consider.
Between the two, I'd prefer Mr. Average Size, extra points if he's a grower, and smaller than average when he's soft. Penis size isn't in the top 20 things I look for in a partner. However, if we're assembling the physical parts of my ideal mate like putting the pieces on a Mr. Potato Head doll, and there are only two dicks in the box, I'll attach the first of the two sizes in your question. Men not being dolls, if he's dishonest, unkind, doesn't have a sense of humor compatible with mine, or if he's got a big, open sore on his thing, it doesn't matter what size he is. I'm not getting out of my panties for him.
My wife and I have talked about this, and she would prefer the bigger cock if both men had equal skills. If a man with a small cock has greater skills, she would prefer his cock over the bigger one.