Hi, I have a curved penis and I'm just looking for some opinions from experience etc... if they are bad or good
I'm not a girl but given that I've read the responses from another older thread asking this same question, the answer varies depending on the girl. And it varies further, depending on HOW it's curved (up, down, left, right), or in some cases some prefer straight, because the curves hurt them.
How obtuse or acute the angle of the curve is matters too. Doesn't it Erica, hence why you want to see it before you give real detailed feedback.
Ye Yep, that's exactly it. hahaha Plus my eyes know exactly what will fit and how it will fit inside my pee pee. hehehe
Sorry, my mind read "I'm afraid if I have to see it" and I laughed ma ass off, then I read it again. Ok humorous moment over now. I had one that was curved. I can't say it made any difference once it was in my,,, oh,,, I can't say it,,, my,,, my,,, pee pee,,, oh shit! I said it,,, ok I am all over this thread now, whew,,,
Glitch with the doublepost Sally? Also, are you afraid to say vagina or pussy or something Erica? Technically (well I hope not, because I don't think it is safe) penises don't go into the urethra (aka: peepee). Only little kids think that, because most aren't aware of the vagina's existence.
According to a recent study, upwardly curved penises when erect are the most common - about 35%, followed by straight out - 25%, curved left - 20%, curved down - 15%, and curved right - 5% Curved up makes it easier to hit the G Spot on rear entry,or sometimes missionary.
My lil winky curves up...... works for me every time. Must work for baby mama since we have been together for 15 years and married for 10.
Curves are certainly not an issue for me, my hubby has Peyronie's Disease which causes a slight bend to the top third of his penis, makes absolutely no difference to his ability to make me squirm with pleasure!!
I am sorry Naturegirl, while reading on my iPad my stupid finger touched the screen and gave you a thumbs down, wasn't meant that way, if I was gonna do anything it woulda been a thumbs up but even then the buttons are too close and I have accidentally given a thumbs down to a few people. Anyway when reading your post after thumbing you down I would like to take that back and thumb it up. Peace,,,