Hey, so uh... yeah I need some sex advice from girls, my gf, Molly told me recently that she wants me to be more “take charge” during sex. But I don’t know exactly what I should do! Does she want me to imitate sex more, be more kinky, or give her a slap on the butt. For girls who like take charge guys, what do you like?
You need to initiate sex when you want it. And I don't mean ask her if she wants to. Kiss her up against the wall and take her to bed
No, does not mean slapping her on the butt. Do things she likes .... if that's one of them, fine. Cindy's advice was spot on. Lead, don't follow. Is man's job.
Tell her “it’s phuqin’ time!”? As I kiss and hug her Andy give her butt a squeeze? Mans job huh, well if you say so, I’ve never been one to be a dom/alpha male. So it will take some practice. PS she likes being spanked.
I can't tell you how much of a turn off "it's phuqin' time" really is Your gf thinks it should be the mans job...that's why you made this thread right?
To be fair, I don’t ACTUALLY talk like that, sheesh I do have some class. Yes, that is why I made this thread.
In this world there are followers and there are leaders. I'm guessing you are the former. In my opinion she wants you to be a leader. Take charge of the encounter! Do what makes you feel good.
Fortunately you are not being asked to lead an army. Just your girlfriend. During sex. An easy and probably fun way to learn!
You are right, again (dammit you have much more wisedoms than me, lol!), I should just try to do what a leader would do. Initiate sex, rather than wait for her to start it. Maybe start with some kisses before we undress, lay on her and touch her favorite spots, she likes when I bite the back of her neck lightly. Shift between slow and sensual to fast and energetic from time to time. Ask her what she wants in a leader.
Yes, you need to initiate sex with her anytime you feel the urge. Do something unexpected - if youre just sitting around watching tv, tell her to take her clothes off. Have her take a shower with you. Before my wife and I had kids, I would head to the bathroom and get undressed, then come back out walking around the house completely nude, it always gave her quite a surprise, she would always join in. Or plan a naked night. Another fun thing to do is wake her up for sex in the middle of the night. That was/is another one of my wife's favorites - especially now that we have kids, sometimes you just need to take the time when you can find it. Bottom line is to get more creative and spontaneous, make her feel like you cant wait to tear her clothes off and that you want her really bad. And also: NEVER ASK PERMISSION. Just go for it and have fun!
Get on top, hold her hands above her head, flip her over into new positions, that kind of thing. Remember sex is diffferent to the rest of life, a lot of girls love to be dominated in bed even if they’re not like that otherwise