Girls changing room

Discussion in 'Nudism, Naturism' started by NakedInfluence, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. NakedInfluence

    NakedInfluence Member

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    This is gonna sound stupid but I've always wanted to know what goes on in a girls changing room. One day I went into one when it was empty and saw a difference that piqued my curiosity. On one wall were three shower heads just like in the boys room but there was a piece of wall separating each one. This is what made me wonder as I don't really see the point of it. Sure you can't see or be seen by the two other girls showering but you can by everyone else in the room. Does that make a significant difference to anyone?

    If a girl just walked naked across the room and showered without taking a towel with her would she be judged more harshly than a boy for doing the same? I know this can only be speculation as all any of us experience is one or the other but what say you?
    Joshua Van likes this.
  2. nldn

    nldn Senior Member

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    Some things perhaps should remain a mystery, no harm if they do.
  3. The Shark

    The Shark Members

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    One of my earliest fantasies was to be the only guy in the girls' changing room, everyone naked and showering together. To this day, I would still love to do that.
    Joshua Van likes this.
  4. nudistguyny

    nudistguyny Senior Member

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    I would volunteer for a week ot two every summer at a boy scout camp. Doing maintenance type work etc. It was like a vacation for me. One year before summer camp started I was asked if I could be there for a long weekend. A group of older girl scouts and two of their leaders were going to be camping there. No boy scout activities were scheduled during that time frame. The bathrooms and showers were rustic. Very basic. The shower area was a large open area with no roof and with walls surrounding it. I was to meet the scout group and guide them to the camp site. Start up the water heater for them . And show the leaders where the light switch was for the bath house.
    I was expecting complaints about the rustic nature of it. At the end of their weekend one of the leaders stopped by the office to let me know that they were leaving. I asked how the girls made out with the showers expecting complaints. To my surprise the woman scout leader said it was the hit of the weekend. Laughing she told me the girls thought it was great taking showers in the sun. And she never saw them taking so many showers before. And here I was expecting just the opposite. You just never know.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    skip, beachwalker and bill697cu like this.
  5. Laker06

    Laker06 Senior Member

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    Sometimes for work I get into the locker rooms at a athletic facility, amateur thru pro. I was surprised to find gang showers in the mens locker room, and stalls in the ladies.
  6. CyclingNaturally

    CyclingNaturally Members

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    That's pretty normal around here. When my wife and I were talking about lockerrooms a few years back and how we described them, she was shocked to find out how different the mens lockerroom is.

    We have a city pool that has really, really old lockerooms, probably from the 1950s and never remodelled. When the door is propped open, which it usually is, you can see pretty much most of the open changing area of the mensroom from the outside, but the womensroom has many turns and stalls. My wife couldn't believe the first time we were there how the door was open, guys were in their naked getting into their swimsuits, and people just walked by from the outside like it was no big deal, some looking some not. She said the women would never change in the open, especially if people walking by could see in that easily!

    I told her that I thought that was normal for mens lockerrooms. I remember being at a water park in high school and it was the same way. I couldn't figure out why so many girls were hanging out near the mens lockerroom. I thought they were waiting for their boyfriends until my friend and I went there to change and we were like...ooooh. But I was scared of everything back then so I tried to change in a stall.
  7. thesantos29

    thesantos29 Pretty Hip

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    Are men just more confident with being naked? Or are they just oblivious to the fact that others can see them?
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  8. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Probly a combination of things. I think most men dont wanna seem weak by needing a private stall. As well i think alotta men subconsiously chek ea other out even straight ones. Also some may feel safer from molestation if they can see it coming. Ya see the times we are in were predicted longago. Meaning the hi amt of psychosis.
    thesantos29 likes this.
  9. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    I'd settle just for knowing why it takes them so damn long in the lady's room. When I get to meet St. Peter at the gate, I am going to ask him for a lot of time off of purgatory for waiting outside the lady's room at every movie, show, concert, sports game, shopping.....gotta add up to a few years, right?
    Barefoot Rick and kinulpture like this.
  10. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Firstly ladies hafta wipe muchmore. Alsotoo their clothingremoval is muchmore complicated. It tookme liviing onthestreets 30yrs ago to learn this. As i learned to like some not all ladies clothes. As they indeed can be removed quicker. Indeed once i was kicked outa convenience store restroom for being in there count em 5mins.
  11. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    As an engineer, I regularly had to work in the girls changing rooms. Not expecting electrical and plumbing engineer's to be female, they hardly took any notice.
    One day, after the only girl left, a few minutes later, about 25 giggling girls burst into the room, checked me out and wandered off again, I was quite confused.
    As I was leaving the site, the bar manager came over and told me what had happened. That first girl had rushed into the bar and announced. "Their is a guy in the changing rooms and you should see the size of his tool, It is about 2 inches wide and about a foot long".
    Needless to say, the tool was a core drill. Perhaps I should have mentioned that it vibrates 2,000 times a minute as it penetrates. :D
    kinulpture likes this.
  12. Wally Pitcher

    Wally Pitcher Members

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    I recall a funny event which I will share. About 20 years age I was in a large department store. There was a commotion in the area where there were changing rooms. The store manager was in a discussion with about 12 Young men and women. As it turned out they were college age French tourists trying on 501 Levi Genes. The Young people insisted on sharing the women's changing room to try on the clothing, and the manager was unable to convince them to use separate facilities. As the dialogue went on then frustration levels were rising. In looking back on it now, what is wrong with removing one set of pants and trying on another in mixed company. The young men and women probably had adequate under garments to retain modesty, surely more modest than a speedo or bikini. Perhaps we are behind the times, and enclosed changing rooms should be an individual choice. .
    kinulpture likes this.

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