Title says it all. If the answer is yes, please message me and I'd love to talk about it with you. Maybe we can do some role-play, too. Also, please message me if you are currently on your period.
Just gross....Thats a time for house cleaning, not hoarding if you know what I mean....Get rid of the clutter!
There's nothing gross about it. It's a natural female bodily function, which makes the human race continue to exist. If you're calling your periods gross, then you're calling every female gross (apart from the ones are in their menopausal phase) and every human on planet Earth.
You females just don't respect your periods and what they do for you and for humans. Congratulations on offending every person alive today (even your family, friends, everyone)! If it weren't for the menstrual cycle, you wouldn't even be alive right now (no one would)! Plus, we all have our turn-ons.
Your question was not "Are periods gross" it was do you like sex while menstrating....I personally think its gross....Yes we wouldnt be here without periods. But you cannot conceive while on your period, this is because your body is cleaning house. Meaning it would have to be a turn on for you, because populating just would make no sense as far as this post goes.
well, most people consider poop gross and that doesn't mean they consider every creature on the planet gross.
That's untrue. Women on their periods have still gotten pregnant.. those with short cycles ovulate earlier, sperm.lives for 3-5days .. its totally possible.
getting back to the original question.....yes, I've had sex on the first day of my period. I have quite light flow for the first 24 hours, but it would be way too messy to consider any form of penetration once I'm in full flood!
It's just that I find anyone who thinks periods (or anything to do with them) are gross is just immature. It's how a six-year old boy/girl would act if he/she found out for the first time that vaginas bleed. Anyone over the age of 10 should just accept periods, know what they do and what they are, and just grow up and act mature about it, instead of vilifying it. Okay, I respect everyone's opinion, but he/she need also respect mine. However, it is good to know that you see periods are essential for human life.
far cry from fucking your ol lady on the rag and asking strange women to message you if they are on their periods......latter is creepy
Period sex is about feeling primal. Crossing taboo lines and sharing that sense of risk with the woman on with. It's a different kind of wet inside. Not as slippery.