Girlfriend never makes it about me when initiating sex. She never craves me the way I do her am I a

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Jor-El, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. Jor-El

    Jor-El Members

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    My girlfriend always says pulls the card of oh if you do this or that. That's what makes me wet ( dishes, vacuum, mop you know house shit). Well I do those things and she never takes the advantage. That's just one problem. Second she never craves me anymore it's always about her. She always talks about how horny she is for me or was for me. But when we get around each other and I advance she is not into it anymore or becomes distracted or gives me a raincheck. She makes it more about her than me and it's starting to make me feel like I'm just being used. I'm all for the romantic stuff candles, music, mood setting, massages it all. But I do all this shit and i don't ever get the same treatment in return. What's my game plan here? Lady's and men can reply I need all the help I can get.
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    It sounds like she isn't interested the way you tell it. It's possible she isn't as interested in sex as she is in doing other things. Why don't you try doing something else with her?! :) Are you athletic enough to go rock climbing? I am not. lol. But she might enjoy doing stuff like that.
    Jor-El likes this.
  3. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    you nailed.....being used....dump her and find a better me brother...there is so many out there better than her i wouldnt waste another second
    Jor-El likes this.
  4. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    ∆ could be right.. but are you a tad boring?

    Tell her to do the cleaning herself, slap her on the ass, through her on the bed, and tell her you want her right now..

    Got to be worth a try!

    If she doesn't, she will tell you, you can dump her, cos sounds like you tried everything else.. good luck
    Jor-El likes this.
  5. Jor-El

    Jor-El Members

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    Yeah I am and i would love to take her but she is a mother of two. So I can see how that can have something to do with it as well. But it's hard to get time together to even think of doing things like that but I will most definitely keep that in my back pocket as a vacation idea.
  6. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    I would move on, honestly. Sometimes it’s no one’s “fault,” and it just comes down to you both might not be sexually compatible. She sounds like a slight head game player too...leading you on, then telling you no. I would move on. You don’t need to ever settle in life.

    If your relationship lacks passion now, and it’s just the dating stage, I can only see it getting worse. If you’re really into someone on all levels, you don’t keep making excuses for why sex can’t happen.

    Unless you’re not the only one she’s seeing. Not to scare you, but people who cheat also act like this.
    rollingalong and Jor-El like this.
  7. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Groan, notice you left out that IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION out of your first post

    Nothing gets a lady in the mood more than having to constantly attend to two screaming snot nosed anklebiters

    Yeah, why doesnt she want to hump you stupid and have a third, quite the mystery
    Hugs & Spit and morrow like this.
  8. Jor-El

    Jor-El Members

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    Tubes are tied :/
  9. Jor-El

    Jor-El Members

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    And that's the other thing too is that I have became such a father over the last 3 years to her children. They know me as Dad. The original one ran off on her 5 years ago for another woman and had two more kids and doesn't even contact his first borns but once or twice a year.
  10. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Totally love this convo:
    Her: "Baby it makes me so wet when you do the dishes and mop the floor".
    You: "OK honey, housecleaning coming right up".
    Me: "LOL".

    Other than that what VG said. And what Rolling said.
    Deidre and Jor-El like this.
  11. Jor-El

    Jor-El Members

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    That's what alot of my friends tell me. And it's just funny because the reason she said she wasn't attracted to me latley is because I was starting to check out. But I checked back in and these past 3 months I been busting my ass got a better job better pay. Cleaning and helping around the house as much as I can. Hell I clean her house more than mine yes we live separate. Like is it so hard for her to just suck me off while I do her dishes lol. I mean bloody hell.
  12. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    Consider this a glimpse into your future lol I don’t have kids but I think that sure, she might be tired on some days, I get that. But, sounds like it’s time to move on. When one person’s needs are all that matters in a relationship, it’s time to move on. No one has to be at fault here but this is what dating is for, to see if you want a commitment with the other person. Nothing wrong with ending a relationship where you feel like your needs don’t matter at all.
    Jor-El and jmadre like this.
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    That aspect of the hetero world, especially straight women has always made my head hurt

    I use the term "dating" very loosely, but my "dating" life over the last 20 years almost always consists of at least a handjob BEFORE we go out to dinner so he isnt all bitchy and shitty, or will sit still during the movie

    This girlfriend and ones like them, They think if they put out too much you get bored and dump them quicker or get lazy and not try as hard....but on the flip side, not so much as even a handjob in 6 months when the boyfriend / hubby is paying for a bunch of shit, then they wonder why the hubby is a cranky all the time and being a douche

    They are iffy about penetrative sex for whatever reason, a blowjob is a pain in the ass if he takes too long....but a bit of massage oil and a handjob, how hard is that?

    You ask women this question and you will usually get the generic collective response, like they all have to stick together for some reason, even though some of them know full well some of their friends are lazy bitches or a little bit more frigid than the rest

    But what Rollingalong said is right, there are ones out there that are better, maybe this one is just a lazy ass so and so at the frigid end of the scale

    If you were complaining about not more than once a week, i'd say, pffft, dude they are chics......but not once in months? Not even to make sure her kids have a daddy?, then I'd say dude, red flags everywhere for the future, run forest run
    Deidre and morrow like this.
  14. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    And I'd say the same as VG to you women who think the hubs\ boyfriend who has gone cold.. doesn't fancy you anymore.. get them on their heels.. it's done, the reasons to have you around, are not enough.
  15. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor


    No reason OP, that you need to be your gf's maid. Helping out when you're there on occasion, is a very kind gesture, but sounds like she wants a maid. Granted, we're hearing just your side of the story, but going only from what you're saying, it's best to end this relationship, and find someone more compatible, and interested in relationship where your feelings matter.
  16. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Time to lay it on the line with her, pal, she's gotten too comfortable and lazy. Tell her you need more - what have you got to lose? Sex in a relationship shouldn't have to be a reward or earned or bought. It should be simply because you love each other and somebody wants to do it, be it you or her, or luckily both. I'll just never understand, it's such an easy thing to fix for someone you care about but getting that ten minutes can be like unobtainium. Or it comes down to 'oh you won't do this, so I won't do that....' and down hill from there.

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