i have a gf of 4 months. im 26, shes 27. After a month of dating i noticed she has mustache. Its unvincible during night, evening, but on the daylight its pretty obvious. She is really good looking girl and i can just not understand, how she does nothing about it... she has to know she has mustache... i like her and want to keep dating her, but its such a turn off... sometimes i just cant help but keep looking at her mouth when we are together. Some times im almost angry because i just cant understand why she does not get rid of them. And her friends... family they had to notice them too. Someone has to say something about that to her or im i wrong. I would like to bring that topic up and talk about it because it bothers me way too much. When we are together at night evening, i almost forget about it and telling myself im making too much of a deal, but i really dont. You may say im immature but i cant help it. Women should not have any facial hair in my opinion or at least do something about it. After that i start to pay attention to other women and notice there are few others with some minor facial hair. What should i do? I do not want to hurt her but i just want her to do something about it. Its not that hard for gods sake...
You need to tell her but in a normal way that will not hurt her. Maybe during the time that you are making love.
Maybe she likes it, maybe it's not enough that it bothers her. You could mention it in joking and take a chance she takes it ok and might do something about it, but women with facial hair shouldn't happen??? I have a little facial hair and it doesn't look bad,,, start shaving? Right,,, we might be born with some and if you don't like the package you got then send it back it's momma! Pick one who shaves her face or is perfect in the face but probably doesn't like sex, or has one missing leg.
Ouch, that could kill an intimate moment. Do something like that to me and I will make you save every part of your body to get back into my pants ever again. Might better walk the streets and look for the prefect one and hope you measure up to her.
Give her a gift -eyebrow AND facial threading. That way the focus is on eyebrows but not really, And threading makes everything sooooo nice and smooth, she will for sure go back.
If its not to much you could always try being less judgemental OP. The way you have made it sound that you were let down for figuring out she is flawed only after committing to a relationship displays to me more about how you have an issue than how she has an issue. And if you can't figure out a way to bring it up to her in a considerate way then you are proving it. I can't say I'm partial to female facial hair but I would never trade in a womans self-esteem for my own pride. If you talk to her about it and she does nothing about it, then what?
i love the blondish peach fuzz .... black hairs i would mention it bothers me and offer to pay for whatever way to remove it if she wanted...if she says no i'd just learn to live with it
I have blondish Peach fuzz, most of my family has a little but it doesn't bother us, I never have a problem finding me a nice man who respects me either. Mind you I have the same on my legs and arms and it's so little I don't have to shave them either, and I won't. Now black thick hairs,,, might wanna correct that and it could be costly so maybe that's why she doesn't do anything, so help her out then, or like her for what all else she is to you. There is a young woman working at the drug store near me, she has thick black ones and she shaves em off but you can see them in the skin anyway, I feel bad for her, she might need to do some laser work or something.
it is a turn off! A huge one. She is a beautiful girl and it would be a shame i cannot be attracted to her because of somethig that could be so easily taken care off.
I can't see why you like her then, looks like it's time to go GF shopping again. If a guy had too much hair, or a short penis, or moles on his face and it turned me Off I would have a hard time getting past that I would think. You don't love her for all she is if you come here to complain about her bits you don't like. The package isn't always about what's inside. Didn't you know beautiful girls only come hairless? Maybe you just need a hairless cat, they are beautiful,,,
Never heard of threading, what is it and what does it cost? Maybe he couldn't afford it but I don't know that, might be the solution he and she could get along with but it sounds like it would hurt just because of the way I imagine it from the word.
And worst advice ever given on hf, goes to ^^^^^. OP, if you really really like her, get over it and accept her for exactly how she is. My guy mentioned something to an ex about her lip hair, and she dumped him on the spot. We ladies look in the mirror often. We're aware what's going on on our faces. If it's still there, then it obviously doesn't bother her.
Suggest an intimate shaving session in the shower and when you're done with the "regular" parts of the body, jokingly suggest trimming the mustache. You do mine I do yours kind of thing. Lol.