Gift to girlfriend?

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by foreveryoung3, May 6, 2014.

  1. foreveryoung3

    foreveryoung3 Guest

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    First thing, hello! I've been a frequent visitor to this forum but newly registered.

    Women out there..! I need your help!!

    I have been dating this woman for some time (long distance relationship), and it's her birthday coming up in July. She wants to get a tattoo for her mother's memorial by that time, and will cost around $250. She is going to work for some period before her college starts and will save from it to get the tattoo.

    I am thinking of sending her part of the tattoo price as a birthday gift. Is it a good idea? And how much do you think I should send?

    Please help! I will really appreciate it <3
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    No.. I don't think cash is ever a good gift from a partner. That's something her uncle would give her.

    How well do you draw? It would be perfect if you could design the tattoo yourself.
    Is this the first time you'll be buying her a gift?
  3. foreveryoung3

    foreveryoung3 Guest

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    I know it's not. But I do want to get her something she really wants. And with distance, I felt this would be a good idea.

    She comes from a broken and a broke family, so that's not possible.

    Yes it will be the first time.
  4. drawinginblank

    drawinginblank Member

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    I mean I am sure that she would really appreciate it if you gave her some money to help with her tattoo. It'll show her that you paid attention and care.

    That is just what I think.
  5. thebaroquebitch

    thebaroquebitch Guest

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    I think this is a lovely idea!
  6. Venuss

    Venuss Guest

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    yea, it's nice. 'Cause I think the tattooist would design the pattern for her. BTW, some of my friends say long distance relationship is not that easy to maintain. Make sure you can hold her heart! Hope your gift works~ :)

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