So, the north is going into lockdown again,due apparently to people ignoring advice on distancing etc, yet in London on saturday night Piccadily Circus looked like it was new years eve! That dickhead Cummins was at it again, apparently he was drinking in the house of commons after 10pm, Boris hasn't a clue neither have any of the idiots in government, I'm sick to bloody death of hearing about the 'Cobra' comittee! Cobra actually stands for 'Cabinet Office Briefing Room A', it's a frigging office, not some super dooper problem solving team! It's about time Bungling Boris and the rest of them were slung out, or shot, preferably, and as for Cummins, well it's time he was Mr Goings! I think the best thing we could have would be a modern day Guy fawkes, after all it is almost november.
The Cabinet have taken a long time to agree on what to do by the sounds of it. Now we're going to get a 3 tier system of severity of lockdown, applied regionally. I hope it will be workable and people can understand it, because before now even Johnson himself has got it wrong when explaining the rules. We need clear rules to follow. And let's hope they work and bring this second wave under control before ICU beds are overwhelmed and we're really fucked for the winter.
Yes indeed, clear rules and more importantly rules that apply to everyone, if you or I cannot travel out of our area then neither should anyone else, even if your name is Cummins or Ramsey, or Johnson. This has been badly handled from the outset, it's pointless saying someone cannot travel from say Warrington to Wigan yet people can enter the country from abroad. I genuinely fear that this country will explode if this isn't handled carefully, to many people have suffered financially and emotionally and seeing certain people blatently flout the rules only inflames people.
This is what came to mind when I read the papers this morning, to be honest if it all kicks off I can't wait, now where did I put my axe because I'll need it.
Your not the only one mate . Even the WHO are saying that Lockdowns don't work . All they cause is poverty and misery . There has been a big rise in mental illness caused by lockdowns . We need to start looking at how Sweden has achieved minimal deaths without locking down . Nothing in the Governments strategy is working and has no logic . Everything is flawed even their flagship defence ( Test and Trace) . This has more holes in it than a tramps vest .
Quite, recently my grandson was diagnosed with covid, they reckon he picked it up from a lad in school, he's only 11 and had no symptoms, the whole family had to self isolate for 14 days, on day 9 my daughter in law got a phone call from the track and trace people informing her she'd been in contact with a covid case! Now ok this was her son, she knew about it obviously, but if it had just been some random person in the pub or supermarket how much damage could she have caused by continuing to go about her daily business!
Well that is a major flaw with Test and Trace . The "experts" including the Governments own like Prof Whitty tell us and they a right when they say younger people are driving the spread of the virus .They also add that the vast majority of people in this age group do not have any symptoms and of course they are correct . Then you have Matt Hancock the Health Minister saying that you can only get tested if you have the symptoms . I rest my case . They also tell you that kids don't spread the virus. Bull shit . 540 schools in Gtr Manchester have closed because of the virus . I accept some may have been spread by the teachers but not every case. The biggest problem this country has at the moment is that the media is being fully briefed on what they can publish or state . They need to take a more independent stance . Is it just a coincidence that the Government have introduced tougher restrictions in the North and MPs and the general public arn't too happy about it . At the same time the BBC highlights one case of a guy contracting Covid twice and making it sound like an everyday occurrence . I have looked into this and the other experts are saying that this is a possible case but what they are also saying is out of 35 million cases worldwide its is very very rare . I noticed the Government briefing did not mention the WHO is now back tracking on its lockdown recommendations as they say its too damaging and they don't work . Something that some of us have been saying for some time now . Another fricking annoying Government policy I hate. This is allowing some people to go into supermarkets without face coverings because they have medical exemptions . I counted 11 people having these in my local Asda the other Sunday 2 weeks back . We are shielding my mother in law who is 87 and diabetic and we do all of her shopping, fetching and carrying etc. What do you think could have happened say one of these 11 people sneezed within the store ? They would put my mother in laws health at risk and also the other shoppers there . If you cant wear a face covering then you shouldn't be allowed in without exception .Even I wear one and in Trumps words "I cant catch it nor give it "
There's an even bigger flaw with the track and trace system - the arrogant bastards in the scumbag 'nasty party' have assumed that everyone has a 'smart' 'phone and access to the 'app'. I have neither !!! - don't have (and won't have) a 'smart 'phone, so the track and trace people cannot contact me to tell me. Obviously I'm not alone, there must be millions of people who, like me do not have a 'smart' 'phone !!!
My reply: HOT DAWG, Vlad! You're not the only one that doesn't have one of them pesky things. My daughter has been harping on this at me for years. Also, I generally don't answer calls from someone not in my address book, which would include some pesky government bean counting bureaucrat. I keep my phone sound off or on low so as not to be a distraction, since my phone is for MY convenience rather than everyone else's. Might not be the same reasons as you for doing this, but it works for me.
Actually I am like that but I thought I would be in the minority . We have to fill out paper slips when we go to pubs. Probably like many ficticious names and phone numbers are used . Some do gooders tell me you not doing your "civil duty" . My reply now would be I don't want my details selling to marketing companies as reported by The Times.
Exactly, the government keep harping on about data protection act, or GDPR as it is now known, for years they've used it as something to hide behind, 'we can't give you that information as it would breach data protection' . Now all of a sudden they expect us to write our name, address and phone number in a 'visitors book' in a pub where everyone can see it. now there are a few problems with this, I have just entered the pub and you walk in behind me, later in the evening we get into an argument and I decide to come to your house and smash your windows, all I have to do is look in the book and I have your details! Likewise suppose someones partner has left them because of domestic violence, they happen to be having a quiet drink when in walks a friend of the abuser, all they do is look in the book for the persons address, they already know there name, then they give that persons details to the abuser and it all starts again!
On the subject of medical exemptions, have you read them? The biggest joke is the exemption for people who, 'may feel traumatised by the wearing of a mask or face covering' , so all I have to do if I get stopped not wearing a mask is that I had a bad experience being put to sleep at the dentist when I was a child and there we go, no mask for me! It was like last week out shopping, there was a middle aged couple, neither of them wearing masks walking very close to other people in the supermarket, now the odds on two people being married and both having a condition that exempted them from wearing a mask must be astronomical, more likely judging by their body language that they think they are somehow exempt from catching the virus, it's a bit like those arseholes who walk around the store with the mask just covering their mouths.
I can concur with that .Most of these 11 were in couples . They has those stupid looking sunflower passes around their necks as if Covid is going to take any notice of that !
I don't think it will be long now before we start seeing more demonstrations on the scale of Spain . People have been pushed too far and for too long . We all obeyed the rules on the March Lockdown because were were promised that that things would be better . They Lied.
my mate lives in Tennerife and I was chatting to him on Sunday, they've gone mad over there, he was saying that in the pubs you cannot smoke at the tables outside, you have to go and stand in the street 2 metres apart, have your fag and then return to your table, apparently there's queues of people along the pavements at busy times, also you cannot smoke whilst walking along the street, you have to pull over in a safe place 2 metres away from anyone else, smoke your fag and then move off safely still maintaining the 2 metres distance. People are really getting sick of it all now as you said, I'm begining to wonder if the government is trying to see how much it can control us! I live just outside St Helens, we come under greater liverpool and are in tier 3, I was reading up on it last night and it's pathetic, one of the big things is not going out of your area, so in my case I can travel into Liverpool city centre to shop, but not into Warrington which is only a short distance away.this however is advisory, not legally enforceable so what is the point? I think it's only going to get worse, they are on about using the Nightingale hospitals again, but not just for Covid patients, well that's stupid. Why not put all the covid patients together in the Nightingales and keep the normal hospitals free of them, like they did in the old days with the TB patients.
I am beginning to get concerned about the role of the media at the moment . They appear to me to be on a mission to get the North locked down into Tier 3 . They appear to be baiting the Government into tightening the restrictions even more The Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham to his credit is resisting all moves and he has confirmed the media are trying to do this . If Manchester went into Tier 3 against the leaders wishes you will get massive public unrest and irrepairable damage to small and medium size businesses . I am in a weird position at the moment in having to agree with the Government in resisting the tightening of restrictions around Manchester . I don't like what Labour are requesting either ie Circuit Break lockdowns as this would also cause damage . Let the virus spread at manageable levels so we can get out of this mess sooner rather than letting it drag on and on . Sweden managed it .
So you clearly don't care for the chronically sick and elderly living in or around Manchester who contract the virus and die because of your callousness - that's despicable !!!
Yes I do Vlad they should be sheltered like my Mother in Law is who is 87 and diabeties 2 . We do all her fetching and carrying and it works .Instead of ignoring restrictions and wearing face coverings and going to the local M & S sale. like I see many pensioners . Its minority rule at the moment !
on Merseyside we had that gobshite Andy Burnham going on about how he'd negotiated the best deal for Merseyside, how the hell is a tier 3 lockdown the best deal, what was the other option, nuclear annihilation? Then we have the other dickhead, who became mayor after being made redundant from the Churchill adverts, you know who I mean, Joe Anderson, he's another fecking idiot! I personally cannot understand why my area ever became part of merseyside, we are situated directly in between Liverpool and Manchester, it's about 18 miles either way, we're actually closer to cheshire, the border being about 3 miles from my house, it was bad enough being in Merseyside, when we joined car insurance went up overnight, then our stupid Labour councillors decided we'd become part of 'greater Liverpool' well that did us a lot of good, not, straight away part of our council tax gets spent in Liverpool city centre, a place most of us never visit, when Greater Liverpool gets a handout from someone none of it ever filters down to our area, it's all bollocks. Nobody has a clue what to do at the moment, locking everyone up sure as hell isn't going to work, why should I be placed under restrictions when people can fly in from abroad unrestricted.