Me and my friend want to get a simple grow kit to get some magic mushrooms, since we had no luck finding any this year. What would you recommend? Any advice would be truly appreciated. :afro: Many thanks. madman
My advice is skip the grow kit and learn to grow your self using the PF tek to start out. Kits are a huge waste of money
I wish I could, but sadly I lack the resources and time to do that. I just wish there was a simpler way
Stop being such a lazy hippie With some effort and $100 you could grow all the mushrooms you could ever eat
Lil' Shop of Spores is a good place to get spore syringes QUICK in the mail, discreetly. Here's a list to get you started for PF Tek: -Brown rice flour(sometimes in health food section) -Vermiculite (garden section) -Perlite (garden section) -Spray Lysol -Rubber gloves -71% rubbing alcohol -Empty spray bottle -1/2 pint wide-mouth canning jars, 1/2 pint, tall wide-mouth will work too -8 quart or larger pressure cooker($30) from Walmart -Spore syringes from vendor of choice -Mostly see-thru, medium-sized plastic container with see-thru lid -Hammer & 1/8 in nail (for inoculation points in jar lids) -Aluminum foil -Cardboard box and long rubber gloves (for sterile glove box) More in-depth direction: That should get you started. Everything named can be found at Walmart, however at times, where I live, the BRF can only be found at a local grocery store in the health section, but any organic store should have it. Good luck!
I have a comprehensive grow guide for Shroom Growing. Ten step program with over 300 photos to help you achieve success. This is a 555 Mb Zip File that is sent through in about 20+ minutes. Download and donate if you like it.