From all the posts and answers that I have been reading, there appear to be quite a few men out there that, like me aren't afraid or disgusted by cum, semen, sperm or whatever you want to call it. Personally, I have tasted and eaten my cum during masturbation, I have licked it off my woman's lips, I have French kissed her after a blowjob and tasted it in her mouth and I have licked it off her labia and out of her vagina after intercourse. She has even spit it into my mouth while I was kissing her after I came in her mouth. That's not the point. I also know that there are men out there that have a distinct disgust and aversion to getting anywhere near their cum. Some that I have talked to actually consider it gay to get anywhere near male semen, even their own. The question is: How many of you men that have an aversion to your own cum have been coerced into tasting it by your wife, girlfriend or lover and reluctantly did? I have been told by women before that if I don't think it's so bad having someone cum in your mouth, then maybe I should try it. Like I said, cum doesn't bother me. So, I would either lick it off their fingers after a nice handjob or I would let them give me a snowball just to even things up, so to speak. Once again, how many of you men that have an aversion to, or are disgusted by your cum have been coerced into tasting it and reluctantly did??? Don't be ashamed to admit it. It's pretty anonymous here!!!