Getting high for the first time... NEED ADVICE!!!

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by WoodstockChild, Sep 7, 2006.

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  1. WoodstockChild

    WoodstockChild Intrepid Traveler!

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    Yep, the time has finally come, and needless to say I'm nervous as hell. I've never done it before, as a lot of you know, and I need to know everything I can do to keep my parents from finding out. I'm 99.9% sure they'd recognize the smell of marijuana before I could blink, so how do I hide the smell? Say me and my buddy took two hits each... how long would that last? Will there be any obvious signs that I was smoking pot? What gets rid of the redness? Can I have some serious advice? I'll be doing this at a friends house. What if his parents come home while we're stoned? What do I do? Any information would be very helpful. Thank you so freakin' much.
  2. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    Get some visine or some cleareyes for the redness of the eyes. Maybe some cologne/perfume to hide the smell. If your parents ask you why you are acting wierd, just tell them you don't feel well or that you are in a good mood, depending on how you're acting. If you're smiling and laughing alot, then say you're in a good mood; if you're just acting stoned and slow, then say you don't feel well. Other than that, have a good time and be careful.
  3. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    And if they do realize you're high, just tell them you were experimenting and it was your first time. Most parents understand the fact that teenagers experiment. It doesn't mean you're gonna ruin your life and become a druggie, just that you were curious and felt like finding out how it was.
  4. funky08surfer

    funky08surfer Member

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    you might not even get high..a lot of people dont get high their first time smoking.
  5. OstrOsized

    OstrOsized Member

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    The first times I got stoned was spending the night at a friends house(Or vise-versa), when the parents were asleep. Then you don't really have to worry about parents coming in on you or whatever. But I dunno if you have this option or not. TopNotchStoner's advice was good.

    Have fun :). Oh and if you've never smoked anything in your life before (Like cigs and such) then get some cold water ready to drink incase your throat burns (I wasn't ready for it my first time, haha).
  6. WoodstockChild

    WoodstockChild Intrepid Traveler!

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    Thanks so much! I'm ready for this now. Hahaha and my friends a pro. He's such a stoner. Lol!
  7. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    ya know,, they have them parental wipes,,where if they dont believe yer story they can just swipe yer room an find the residue..

    away from home is always best..

    im sure theres somewhere,,away..
  8. WoodstockChild

    WoodstockChild Intrepid Traveler!

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    I'm sure Wes knows what he's doing. Anyway, how long does the high last? Is there any way besides perfume to hide the smell? Cause they'll know something's up then. If I change clothes after I smoke will it make a difference?
  9. funky08surfer

    funky08surfer Member

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    A high can last as long as a couple hours...we baked out my friends car with a blunt last night..3 of us..and i was high from like 7-12 haha

    changing your clothes would help
  10. professional asshole

    professional asshole Member

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    since its your first time, i dont know how high you will actually get, it took me 6 times before i actually got high high,

    but yeah, a can of axe, visine, and a quick shower when you come inside will always do the trick

    OH and mouthwash or gum
  11. WoodstockChild

    WoodstockChild Intrepid Traveler!

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    Shower. Good. Mouthwash, works for me. 7 hours??? Is that normal? He just has one joint and we're taking two hits each. How long will that last? Well, any scale, like how long a high will last in compariaon to how much you smoke? Gah now I'm even confusing myself. I just need to be sure.
  12. professional asshole

    professional asshole Member

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    7 hours,

    HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA not for 2 hits and for your first time,

    you would most likely have to hot box some kill ass shit to stay high for that long,

    2 hits a peice, depending on the potentcy of the weed, you will most likely be high for about 30 minutes to an hour, if that

    and also since its your first time, dont expect to get high as a kite, because most people dont get high their first time

    FURBY.R.HOTT Member

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    your gonna need more then 2 hits if you wana actually get high.
  14. professional asshole

    professional asshole Member

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    on the contrary dude, ive smoked some bud, 2 or 3 hits, and you have to put the shit down your so high
  15. WoodstockChild

    WoodstockChild Intrepid Traveler!

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    30 minutes to an hour was what I heard from my other friend who's also a major stoner and that would be perfect. Just my dad was a cop for like 18 years and I have to come home like nothing happened.
  16. professional asshole

    professional asshole Member

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    aah my stepdad is a cop, he doesnt care if i smoke cigarettes, but if he caught me smoking weed, it would be my ass,

    but yeah just do it at night around like 9 pm-ish when your parents are assumably getting ready for bed,

    this is also assuming you have a cerfew, my parents don't care how late i go out side at night, as long as i dont leave our neighborhood, and all i do is take my trusty bowl, walk to the end of my street, burn up a few bowl packs, and head back to my house

    so yeah, the later the better, if its late, tell your parents you want to go for a quick walk so you can get tired for bed, or some gay ass shit like that
  17. The SSS Mystic

    The SSS Mystic Member

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    I agree with the other guys. If it's your first time, you're probably not going to get high, especially with 2 hits. It's sort of gradual.
    Usually, if no one else's house is available, I like to go to some hidden place with my friends, like a horse trail or a stream or just some place that no one really goes to and that has a lot of cover. Plus, I think it's sweeter to get stoned with Mother Nature.
    And if you just chill in your spot for a couple hours a lot of the smoke will come off your clothing, but you won't be completely smoke-free. Also, try to position yourself so that the smoke isn't blowing back into you and your clothes.
    The Axe will help, but that only masks the smell of smoke.
    The best solution is to take a shower and change your clothes.
    Also, if you have a fro, like me, or just big hair, wash it. You'd be surprised how much of the smoke gets trapped in your hair.
  18. professional asshole

    professional asshole Member

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    also it helps to walk around outside while your high

    when your by yourself, this can lead to parinoia, or just extreme boringness, but when your with friends, NOTHING beats a nice high walk around the block, trust me, my friends do it all the time, we get baked, and walk around my neighborhood singing songs and shit, its so amazingly obvious were high, but we dont care, its so much fun
  19. WoodstockChild

    WoodstockChild Intrepid Traveler!

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    I'm doing it at a friends house. Most likely my parents will be dropping me off and most likely picking me up hours later. What do I do?
  20. professional asshole

    professional asshole Member

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    HHAHAHAHAA this thread brings back memories, theres this house down the street from my house, and they have an ass load of bushes in their back yard, with foliage everywhere, its about a 30x50 foot wooded area in the middle of suburbia.

    my friends and i will hide in those bushes and toke up, even when the people are home, and i have a few bongs up there,

    YES dude i just rembered, im going to go scrape them and get high fuck yes


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