Germinate seeds in glass of water for 2days and then instead of using toilet paper why not baby wipes for added condensation.
For some reason i can never get the wet paper towel germination method to work for me, on the other hand i've never had problems getting seeds to sprout by using Jiffy pellets or seed raising mix & just burying them to roughly twice the depth of the length of the seed.
many people forget to soak the seeds in a glass of clean water over night BEFORE you put them into tissue or paper towel....... do not use tap has chlorine in it...rain or distilled...clean well water do not use fucking wipes of any don't need ''added condensation''.... seeds need 3 things to germinate only......water, dark , warm its very basic
Yeah, i just find i have a near 100% germination rate without the paper towel but would like to get it sorted properly one day. I think its because i am near the desert and try to compensate for lack of humidity in the air and just end up growing mold lol or forgetting to check often enough and come back to crispy paper towel n split, dead seeds. Meh, each to their own, whatever works is good in my books