George W. Bush's Presidential Attitude

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by neonspectraltoast, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. He's such a happy guy. He tells such good jokes and he's so friendly. I'm sure history will look very fondly upon the man who led us through the terrible days of 9/11. He knew how to handle those Arabians.
  2. Not that I have anything against the Planet of Arabia.

    Say, that's not a bad band name, "The Planet of Arabia." What could be better than the planet of Arabia?

    God alone controls the weather. You can try and say it's all science, but science is God. That is how God appears. What do you think, that there would be a God, and it wouldn't be a part of everything that exists in its purest form?
  3. You're all simply toying with the Almighty. That is what you should beware of. Look at what your wonderful "science" has brought us. The automobile. I admit, it's wonderful to drive fast, but can we just deny that we're not causing the freaking Apocalypse? The End of the World is the End of the World, no matter how you put it.

    How can we say we are responsible if we don't love one another? A President is Eternal. And when he dies, we should make him into a mummy.
  4. And build a grand pyramid in his honor, or suffer the terrible consequences.

    Yes, if you get what I am implying, the Egyptian gods were real. But they weren't kind, no. Some of them seemed as benefactors on the whole, but it was all against a measure of difference, because they created humanity. They actually programmed us. We looked as we did, but they programmed us to think as we do. And so, the separation from them was eternal.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  6. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    well i agree with the science is god part.
  7. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Can we do this to Trump immediately ??? He doesn't have a brain so there's no need to try and extract it through his nose. !!!
    themnax likes this.
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    You libtards hated the guy when he was in office (I hate him and his entire family to this very day), but ever since Trump took office GW's cock is so far down your throats its not even funny.

    The Bush family are a bunch of murderous, neocon con artists. Total scum of the earth, just like the KKKlintons.

    The only good thing about Dubya is he was funny to watch.
  9. I've noticed that a bit, too. Like, a sentimentality for Bush.

    I was extremely stoned last night and having a spiritual experience. I was literally talking to God, as I am sometimes able to do. It's all so frustrating, though.

    But I was going to say something completely different than what I said about Bush's attitude. I had some epiphany of what a cruel man he is, but I fell victim, once again, to trying to be understanding, and forget what I was going to say. It's on the tip of my brain, but I can't remember.
  10. only truths
  11. Thanks for the help. If only I could remember. *tear*
  12. All of them are liars, big time
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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