GBL + GHB? whats with it nowadays

Discussion in 'Synthetic Drugs' started by stickreid, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. stickreid

    stickreid Member

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    hey guys :) I missed out on the whole GBL + GHB trend waay back when.
    a friend was recently telling me about how that was his Drug of choice for a loooong time.
    well i'm looking for some information on it, maybe some trip reports or at least weather or not you liked it, and how it felt :p

    also if anyone knows of a source for the USA, please send me a PM.
    I'm very interested in trying it, but all the venodrs I can find are chinese and cant find any information online saying they are reputable.

    Thanks guys!
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    You can get GBL by the 55gal drum from the Chinese :D
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Tried GBL once, first 45 mins was heavy. It cycles betweenty euphoria and nausea.. music was enhanced, surroundings kind of incomprehensible. After that phase it settles into a kind of a drunken stimulated state, pretty chatty and pleasant. Strong desire to redose.
  4. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    GHB is one of my favourite drugs, besides psychedelics. I really dislike uppers of all sorts and those seem to be the main narcotic/chilling drugs that people I know do. It seems like the only downers there are to do on a friday night are opiates, alcohol, ketamine and benzos, most of which I don't really like and/or shouldn't be fucking with, but G, that stuff is fucking fantastic! No hangover, just some calm chilled out euphoria for a couple hours. You want to fuck everything that moves though :)

    I actually converted saome GBL to GHB with some of the NaOH I was using for my mescaline extraction last week. It was pretty good stuff. ME and my friends got pretty goofy.

    I took some with a girl (consensually of course) the other night as well and we had a realy good time. G + Nitro = the best. Also, G + small bump of cocaine is a very very special wonderfully good feeling. It really takes the edge off and turns it into pleasure :)

    mmmmmm...... G

    Fuck doing GBL though! I've had friends get improperly converted GHB and end up passed out nearly dead off that stuff. Comatose for hours and hours. Very worrying.

    IT's a really good idea to taste test a drop of your GHB and litmus test it for pH. It shouldn't be anything below like 7.5 minimum. I usualy try to get mine near 8ish. I bought some GHB recently with pH=6 and it tasted strongly of GBL, so I titrated in base and as it converted the taste changed to a more salty GHB-like flavour. It seems like it buffers or something as you add the base though, because the pH holds very still aroudn 6.5-7.0 until a certain point, then it makes the leap to base-ness.

    Another thing: Apparently converting your GBL with KOH instead of NaOH leaves it with a much better flavour.
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I saw the same thing happening to people who did (too much) GHB :p
  6. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    nah these guys took like one or two doses and fucked up.

    Also, it might be a bad idea to put GHB in OJ or other juices full of citric acid... I'm not sure how much it matters, btu I wouldn't.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    What do you mean with nah? I'm not exaggerating ;) The ones I saw that went out on ghb didn't thought they took a too large of a dose either :p
  8. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Yah people carp out on GHB as well, GBL is more potent tho.
  9. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    I've always found GHB to be fine so long as you don't mix it with other downers/depressants. It's pretty much my favourite downer besides methaqualone and carisoprodol.
  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    G is hands down the best downer:sunny: just don't do too much or you will carp out and wake up missing ur phone and several hundred dollars ;)

    Too bad I can't seem to find it anymore...I know people that fuck with it but it's not really on the streets all the time it's more of a club drug, same as Special K (not talking about effects).

    Ludes and somas are the shit too tho...I've never seen a real lude tho (the lemons) I think most ludes these days are fake (still methaqualone tho just made in a clandestine lab somewhere)
  11. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I've come across shit that was like 1/2 cap shit. It was gbl and 1/2 a cap youd be okay...a whole cap you might not be i've seen a chick carp out on half a cap and had to take care of her and shit and didn't move at all for like 4 hours. Somebody easily could of raped her but it was all mostly friendly ravers so no one did. Turned out it was the G guys girl but she was hot as hell and we were both on G we were fuckin around and shit but I didn't really know cuz we were making out and shit and he was right there like it was cool. This was a different day tho, but I think it pissed him off cuz I have reason to believe he slipped me G.

    Other shit it could be like 4 caps is the limit where you carp out, 4 caps of average G and I'd at least be so fucked up that I couldn't walk to the degree that I hurt myself falling into shit and fuck being outside like would be killed I can't even imagine trying to cross the street like that! I'm talking about the small caps for like the cheap water bottles, not Dasani caps or anything.

    [i've been told] it can be from $10-$25 an ounce and the better shit isn't necessarily the more expensive shit. GBL is more potent, and kicks in a bit quicker and you really only need to take~5mL any more and you're risking a train wreck. GBL also tastes a lot can make fake G by making a solution of salt and baking soda in the right proportions and it will taste similar to G so I could see how someone could cut it like that instead of just straight water so it doesn't seem watered down.
  12. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    I know there's a lot of debate about whether or not G is really useful for exercise, but I would argue that it is. I have been finding that working out on a quarter hit of G once per week (I work out more than once, but only do it on g once) has been really helping me gain weight and muscle and stuff... Some say that GHB ups your body's production of human growth hormone and I think there is some truth to that.

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