You're probably right if gambling cannot be simplified of it's knowledge oriented economic accounting of costs. In any case insurance is applied by the limited company, and gambling is the consumers' actions of governed refusal to be influenced. People gambling their lives away may without considering insurance decide to gamble for influence or not being influenced. And as far as the religions go; one turns to repenting.
you can get gambler's insurance , but life gets very weird because cheating at cards is there-after allowed . very weird when this pattern of deception becomes normalized through-out a society . the safe and secure institutions will be established liars and they don't care , just don't care . i don't play .
Strictly ruled muslims, you mean. That way they can be ruled by their wives as much as by their national rulers. But a trip to Las Vegas is cheap now.
a fundamental question is What If . are you plagued or befuddled with iffiness ? i think being psychic is our best human quality that deals with it reasonably , softly .
The Tao of Physics in a way of discovery of the human condition at becoming the developed human condition, the "Boot Strap" theory of mystical psychology.:sunny:
a metaphysics is also common to gambling and insurance . it's devised by devious mystical accountants .
it took me a minute to put this one together honestly. I don't know much about real gambling, hell the most I ever done was on Red Dead Redemption on xbox, which I was pretty good at mind you. But back to the thread when you gamble you are signing your life away with good ol' Georgie's signature, with insurance you are doing it with his and with your own. So sure. Either way you never know the outcome
Gambling is a speculative risk meaning that there is a chance for loss or gain. Insurance is a pure risk meaning that there is no chance for profit, only loss. In this sense then insurance is the contractual transfer of risk from the insured to the insurer in exchange for premiums paid whereby the insurer agrees to assume responsibility for a covered loss and to indemnify the insured or parties which have incurred a loss due to the insured's negligence. This most accurately describes auto and homeowners insurance but with slight modification it also applies to health insurance. It is gambling in one sense. You could say that by paying premiums you are betting that at some point you will incur a loss so great that you would be unable to recover from it without the insuring agreement, or by not paying premiums you are betting that you will never suffer such a loss.
Gambling equals risk. Insurance equals reduction of risk. No, they are not essentially the same thing.
Yeah, that's it: I don't know for whom you mean when the claim about gambling and insurance is made. And still the desire is to begin with a universal principle i.e. risk for the caring of one for another, and continue into believing the reality to apply for the individual who wants to survive without working for a living (me too?)
In my experience there is nothing altruistic about insurance companies. They see customers as an expendable commodity to be exploited.
Insurance is not about reducing risk. It is about the contractual transfer of risk from one party to another in exchange for premiums. Insurance companies calculate the risk involved in insuring a particular individual in particular circumstances and agree to assume responsibility for that risk in exchange for regular payments that reflect the level of risk assumed. The major difference between insurance and gambling is that gambling is a speculative risk whereas insurance is a pure risk. (you could say that insurance is about reducing risk from the standpoint of the insured, but not from the standpoint of the insurer). I think this statement is unfair. Of course insurance is a business and businesses must be profitable, but that does not mean that insurance companies do not care about their clients or that they simply intend to exploit their clients for gain. I am an insurance adjuster. I genuinely feel empathy for the people who report losses to me, and as long as the loss is covered by the contract to which the insured explicitly agreed I see it as my duty to indemnify them as quickly and completely as possible. The same criticism could be leveled at a grocery store. They don't really care about my nutrition, they just want to profit from selling me bananas. Just because someone profits that doesn't mean they don't care.
I had a home contents claim with Comminsure - the insurance arm of the Commonwealth Bank. some years ago. They sent an investigator who travelled 280km and back again. The cost would have wiped out a a year's premiums. He asked a huge number of intrusive questions that had nothing to do with the claim and was probably breaching the Privacy Ac. tIt took them 12 months before deciding they were not paying. This was in breach of their industry guidelines. I cancelled the policy.So far I would have made a profit of about $1000. The letter of denial claimed they had trouble getting in touch with me so I also decided to no longer pay my credit card. I soon started getting calls from the bank but that was easily fixed. When pre-paid credit went low I just put a new sim card in. The sold the debt off and I was served s summons but I settled out of court.The bank would have lost money on it.
You get insurance to mitigate a loss that may or may not happen. You pay into a pool with others who buy insurance for similar reasons. If they suffer a loss, they will be compensated for that loss. Often the compensation will be far more that they would have been able to cover themselves. My health care premiums will not equal what my insurance company will cover if I get a catastrophic illness or injury. That is why I buy health insurance, I could not cover potential bills myself. The company sells enough policies to healthy people to cover their payoffs and still make a profit, or they go broke. A good insurance company profits everyone as it pays for loss, makes a profit, provides jobs, and even those who never use it have the peace of mind it offers to them and their family. Gambling is a win or loss situation. Fair gambling is a 50/50 proposition. I either win or I loose. Odds gambling works the same as insurance, enough people loose to make the odds maker a profit and still be able to afford payoffs. Casinos always win big due to their system of stacking the odds. If I get sick, I don't run to a Casino to raise the money to pay my medical bills, it would never work, I use my insurance. I never gamble. I do have car, health, homeowners, life, and I had mortgage insurance when I had a mortgage.
I can tell you anything to do with food is hard work. There are some small or medium size business operators who make a comfortable living but not without putting the hours in. In such a situation if you don't put the hours in, the business falls apart. It is that simple. Unless you are friends with people at a grocery store, for them to be making any inquiry to your nutritional welfare would be a breach of etiquette.
if you never gamble you would not value insurance . you have gambler's insurance . the one who does not gamble is both sane and psychic .