This is a little trip report from the other night. I took about 3 hits of some of the most fire liquid lsd I ever had. It was spaced out over a period of 6 hours. I started off in the mind set that it was going to be a light trip, but more people started jumping aboard the train, and with more people came more hits. Basically it was your average lsd trip, up until the third hit. My friends and I started getting into some real talk about the nature of reality and this point of freedom where anything can become anything. Suddenly the density changes in the room, everything gets lighter and lighter. My friend and I start starring at each other and things get real intense. All of sudden my friend is existing in multiple timelines simultaneously over top each other. I can see my different archetypes of human roles. My friend looks like a fat italian guy who just eats pizza all day. Now he is wise chinese man in oriental garments. Now an Irish character at the bar, smiling because his team won the game. But now he is a Joker for a king. Hmm now he is a cosmic joker or now hes ancient sorcerer of some sort. Each expression seemed so pronounced, yet surreal. As I stared he became more and more cosmic, his goofy face went into a face that represented the wisdom of the universe. It became very refined. All of sudden the whole room falls away to a white light background and I look and now his face becomes that of an Ancient Egyptians kings face on toomb. The gold face with the eye and the onk. I couldn't see anyone else in the room just this cosmic Egyptian version of my friend. His whole body turned to gold, and where his stomach was just a floating hyperdimensional objects coming in and out of him. Just insanely brilliant objects that could not exist in the physical dimensional were coming in and out of him, all made of this magnificent light. Not to mention fire started coming out of his head. But of course lsd and its waves. I wavered out of it just as easily as I wavered into it. Everything was next level though from then on out. Throughout the night I would try to bring back that space, and would see more far galactic manifestations. At one point my friend put on this thing called the Galactic Mantra. It basically lit up every codon and photon in my brain and turned me on. I felt as I had activated some galactic portion of psyche. Thats why I called this thread Galactivation. I became in tune with all of existence. As the night went on we started talking about deities. My friend showed my a little statue he bought of the durga. He also had a bunch of rocks. When I would stare at the rocks, I would go into uber focus mode, and the rocks would change themselves in extremely fascinating hyperdimensional hyperevolved ways. I was extremely sensitive. Later I saw auras around everything, white and blue lights emitting from everything. I could see webs and subtle forces. My friends and I went outside and started talking about some stuff. We started talking about how ancients stared at the sun and it was okay. Then all sudden we realized we were staring at the sun. Like we thought it was the moon, but it was the sun. It was just a glowing white orb, and we were looking directly at it. Didn't burn out our retinas. When I closed my eyes I could see light going through every membrane in my head. It was amazing. Literally 3 people starred at the sun for a good 10 mins without hurting there eyes. It literally changed our lives, now my friend wants to do it every morning. I stayed up all night until 10 the next day. I walked in the woods after everyone else went home. In the woods are saw inch worm auras and hyper shapes on all the trees. When I closed my eyes, there was this beautiful field of green and pink light, and it was morphing in hyperpsheres, and different objects inside my head. Felt like my third eye was in power mode. I could not fall asleep. Later my mom and I ate pizza and she told me about how one of our relatives who are dying had been seeing beings next to him. And my mom said she saw that too. So I relayed to her that I had felt presences too, and that they had let way for cosmic vision. I forgot to mention that during the time of the vision there was some extremely high vibrational presence. It felt feminine, some goddess energy, invoking the galactic tuning. My mom was pretty intrigued, and I felt like something is happening everywhere, not just me doing acid. Anyways this had to be some of the best acid I ever had, and one of the most enlightening acid trips I ever had. Really mushrooms had shown me the light, and I was waiting for lsd to give me that experience, and it finally pulled through. This is one my soul has been waiting for a long time. I still feel very open from the experience, and a lot my conscious of what actions were taking place when I enterered these realms so that I may and try to do it without acid. Another thing I noticed is that when I meditate at home, I don't realize how much I'm doing. Like it feels like nothing when Im sober, because im used to it. But when I was doing the same thing tripping, and could feel the normal shifts my mind makes but in an exaggerated state, I realized consciousness is shifting a lot more than I thought. I really do have positive energy surrounding me from these acts, and really am putting myself and profitable states of awareness. I hope this provokes some of you for a Cosmic trip. I thought maybe it was done showing me stuff, but no, Lsd always shows you stuff not when you want it, but when you need it. Its enlightening capabilities are infinite and unbounded!