I was debating whether or not to post this. But I guess I will. You know if you're sexually attracted to something or someone that's unobtainable, substitute something easily obtainable and harmless. Freud called that a functional equivalent. If a lady scorns your advances, focus on a model who looks like her in Victoria's Secret. If you desire the neighbor's cat, use Cat's Fancy Magazine. You get the picture. I first heard the term in an intro to Sociology class in 1988. Freud said there are functional equivalents to religion. That isn't unobtainable, but some people reject it. Freud said use psychoanalysis. Marx said Communism. I reject psychoanalysis and communism. But I just thought I'd include that too. Thoughts?
Maybe not. If I can’t have and I tried, I go without, substituting is like settling, in a way. I get over it and carry on.
This is how I looked at it. famous people never were a big deal to me. And as for people in my life I try and be a friend and treat them as I would want to be treated. If our friendship grows closer or further apart. I know I did the right thing so there is nothing to dwell on. This in no way means I do not care! Absolutely the opposite. I care very much how I treat others.
I’m not following the connection between fictional equivalents and Marx. What are you thinking there? Doesn’t only fans exist on the concept of functional equivalent?
Sorry, I don't seem to be getting notified about my replies. No, I mean there's a substitute for whatever your heart wants. Sometimes, it's something tangible like a political view you want to put into action. And sometimes it is intangible. My point is you settle, whether temporarily or permanently, for anything. But some people substitute with unhealthy things like alcohol and drugs. And that is bad, simply because it is harmful.