Hey, I'm currently naked (As I am most of the time nowadays) Any fun ideas to do while naked? Looking for something fun to do haha
Yo Glen, you're from Australia too! Just wondering if you knew, regarding the nudity laws in Australia. If I am in my house, naked, with the blinds open so people can see, is that breaking any particular law? Also, how about being in my front yard?
Swimming is quite wonderful in the nude. If you have the privacy, go for it! Also, getting caught in the rain can be invigorating sans clothing.
as you become more and more comfortable being nude as much as possible you will find that you can do many ,many things while naked. The only caution is make sure that you are being safe, and that you will not piss off someone if they see you enjoying yourself in your naked state. That being said, you can wash the car, weed the garden, paint the walls, have a picnic, go for a walk in the woods, use your imagination and have fun. Just be sensible, mowing the front yard naked or riding your bike naked down main street may be fun but it will land you in a heap of trouble. If however, you have a private secluded back yard you that is blocked from the view of troublesome, nosey neighbors you can do a whole host of things out there that will keep you entertained and happy. Enjoy and be aware.
I agree almost anything is more fun naked. But given that it's only possible in private, being barefoot whilst out in public is pretty liberating too.