There are many fun games to play with toddlers but I know this woman whose a hippy herself and she has a small boy of about four. They do play fun games but some of the games involve tickling where she will tickle him and he will tickle her too, but she has to draw lines as to what's appropriate and where on the body they can and can't tickle.
Anywhere that would not be covered by a swimsuit. That's what they teach kids in the Good Touch vs Bad Touch programs in preschool.
Yes that makes sense. They don't tickle each other on any part of the body that would be covered by the swim suit but some people do think its odd that this boy tickles his mom. She will tickle him in most places he will usually just tickle her in some places such as on her neck or the bottoms of her feet. Usually he will tickle her on the bottoms of her feet since she is barefoot much of the time, being a hippy mom and all. Some people think its weird but I guess its an easy spot to get to if you're a little kid.
Seems innocence has to tempered with caution I remember a time when it would seem fine for kids (up to 10 years) to bathe outside in the Summer sun either topless, or even nude Now however - there is always a fear of acts of perversion = so as for 'tickling' !!! (which is sad)
I can see how children bathing naked outside can cause problems but I don't see any problem with tickling, as long as its not done on any of the areas covered by the swimsuit, as an earlier poster put it.
I used tickled to death by this one babysitter till I just couldn't stand it anymore.Be careful with your tickling. A good game to play with little people is "How many things can you fit in the box".You need to give them all the same size box like an empty matchbox or something and then get them to stuff it with little things lying around the place or outside like a park.The one with the most junk in their box after a set period of time gets a prize.We used to play this on a Summer playscheme I used to work on and it always went down well. Another good one is to get some cotton gauze and plaster of Paris.Lubricate the the little person's face with Vaseline and place the gauze around their features.Then apply the plaster and it will quickly dry.When you remove from face you will have a mask which can then be painted.
Correction: The plaster and cotton should be mixed together in a shallow bowl of warm water.The gauze should be cut into strips for easy application.