As if being in a room with my family and alcohol wasn't dramatic enough, there will be a full moon this Christmas. And I'm hosting Christmas dinner this year. As long as people don't try and congregate in my kitchen while I'm cooking, all should go smoothly. Right? RIGHT?
i'm kind of reverse on a lot of things. things other people find calming, especially social things, are anxiety for me. i get wierd fears from nothing, but that's only because humans. when i feel secure is mostly in my dreams when i'm asleep.
No no no no. I'm not using a get out of jail heads up fuckin let us be loud card on my gawd damn family. Those cards are saved for nights when I have all night dance parties planned with my sexiest friends.
Social anxiety hits me like a ton of bricks over the most random things. I'm social, yet I hate being out of my comfort zone. Humans are weird. And they expect too much. Some I'd them do, anyways. Here's to 2019 and not making excuses for anyone anymore.
Yeah. I just might be a bit stressed because I'm hosting and cooking. But it's nothing I can't handle. Unless my sister purposely tries to push my buttons and get a reaction out of me. She's quite good at that.
I cooked a Turkey once. I think I was in my early 20's. My Christmas gift to my mom that year was that I cooked the entire Christmas dinner and she got to relax all day. She says it's the best Christmas she's ever had. That was the only time I cooked Turkey, though. I do think you're right. You need to be in your 40's and have a certain amount of life experience to be qualified to cook a Turkey.
Isnt the full moon tonight? Right meow? That glowy thing in the distance is the moon Well i tried lol. Looks pretty cool in person