So I buys like 4 tabs of "acid". Take it around 10:45PM. Extreme numbness and metallic taste. I immediately knew it was nbome. Trip pretty hard for a while with very little visuals and tingling in my hands, but it still felt like my brain was upside down like in most trips. It was peaceful and beautiful at some points, but the comedown was near unbearable and like I said not nearly as visual as id like, mostly things just fading in and out sorta like the comedown of a shroom trip. Similar Nbome experiences anyone?
yeah, i bought some acid the other day and when i taste it im like "fuu dis is the nbomb" , i was pissed cause i wanted acid but took some of that anyways and then spit it. Defenetly trips arent as good as acid trips
How much did you pay? In my experiences with Nbome it was actually pretty amazing, and the visuals were way more intense than any dose of LSD i've done. The only negative thing I experienced with the come down was I was unable to sleep for an usual amount of time. Other than that, the comedown and day after were quite pleasant.
Your dealer ripped you off. You can buy 1000's of hits for a few hundred dollars from a RC vendor. I bet he did that and charged you $10 a hit.
that's how drug dealing works though. otherwise they wouldn't make money. the problem isn't that it's $10 a hit, it's that he's calling it "acid" and it's not.
PPl do make that money. If you know the source you can buy sheets of this shit for peanuts.. Its funny how 1 gram of nbome is 250 usd and a gram of lsd crystal is like ...30000 ? or 40000 usd or something like that...
yeah.... fuck ..the real heads don't even ask for money.... prices differ. 10-15 K seems like a bargain tho. 10 k.... is 1 dollar/hit? nice...
yes, 10 grand for 1 gram would equal $1 per 100 ug "hit" that actually seems kinda expensive. if you're buying that much L, it might cost less than a dollar per hit.
maybe but some people sell it for expensive. like the microdots are about 12$ a hit... (130 mics) very expensive. (blotter is cheaper) (tho Its still a good price.. everything is expensive here.) there is a universal price here. a pizza and some cold drinks cost about the same. and you can get maybe 3 beers for the same price in a pub... so the L is cheap. compared to everything else. interesting subject! you can kinda see why I don't drink beer at all.... no point....
LSD is totally worth 12 bucks a hit if it's good L (130 ug is a good dose). like you said, it's about the same price as a pizza or a ticket to the movies, and it's a hell of a lot more entertaining. but still, if you're buying 10,000 microdots....i don't think it's gonna cost you 12 bucks a hit usually even buying as much (as little) as a tenstrip gets you a small price break. although i have paid 100 for a strip, i've more often paid less. and for some reason, it seems like the cheaper stuff is usually more potent!
True! very interesting too.... the best stuff is always free I once nearly gave a guy 600 mics worth of L for free.... best acid I ever had... He refused because I didn't ask for a price... The best L is free because it makes ppl give it away for free!!
Pickard was selling it to one guy wholesale at like 15 cents a hit if I remember right. $1 a hit is worth it to me, it may seem expensive to some people I guess.