[size=+1]1) First, take a Ritz cracker. [/size] [size=+1] 2) Add a lump of butter or some cheese (cheddar, Jack, or Brie) [/size] [size=+1]3) Top it off with a bud of marijuana. [/size] [size=+1]4) Heat until the cheese is melted and the THC is activated. [/size] [size=+1]5) Serve and enjoy. [/size] http://www.leary.com/news/health/BiscuitRecipe.html
It takes less to get you high when you eat it so eating the same amount you usually smoke would get you more stoned, right?
You will not get as high from eating as from smoking, but you will be higher for a longer period of time.
I would say, 2-3 for the ladies and 3-4 for men. It can last up to 2 hours before full effect, therefore most people are smoking sometimes in the meantime to much and add the effect of smoking and eating. Be carefull and test your personal dose out. A little bit more background here
I've always kinda wanted to try that..then I get the weed out, look at my pipe, and say "Fuck that, I'm blazin"
just microwaved on up and ate it not feeling anything yet i didnt use very much since its my first timing eating and someone said something about testing how much u need anywho thx for the cool idea man
it takes a while to kick in full affect because your body has to digest it and stuff. Thats why shrooms and morning glory are the same why. The trip doesnt kick in rihgt away it takes a while.
Indeed! I can outsmoke most guys I know...that was kind of a sexist thing to say but maybe he was talking about body weight or something, not that that really affects anything.
Haha ............ and my name is Bobby Brown ............ or what? Answer me one question: Why should women generally consume less alcohol than men and could this affect even the consumption of other drugs?
Im pretty sure a persons size has something to with how much of a substance they have to take in, just like "southernman" said Answer me one question: Why should women generally consume less alcohol than men and could this affect even the consumption of other drugs? But anyways, i can't wait to get a bag and try these out, itd be nice to try something new for a change
Sounds like a big old waste of bud to me. I bet you waste a lot of THC when you do that. If your not g oing to take the time to let it simmer, its probably better to smoke it. Besides, eating it gives you a body buzz, and if your not going to do a lot of it alittle body buzz isnt worth it.