Okay, like 3 days ago, I got these incredibly itchy but hard-to-see bump-like things on my armpits. It's retarded, cuz I've been using this deoderant for 2 months and nothing happened, and I'm wearing the same clothes and eating the same foods as I always did. What's going on? Nothing in my life has really changed, so it shouldn't be an allergy (and I'm not allergic to anything that I know of)...
I hate getting random rashes! Dun worry it will prolly clear up I get stupid ones in the craziest places all the time.
Hm, no shouldn't be any less B12, I have 2 glasses of soymilk a day, and each cup has 50%of what you need per day in Vitamin B12. Also, I use an electric razor (a female one, not one for guys' faces lol), I've never gotten razor burn from it...