it hasnt been shown in the UK yet, so please dont spoil it...I dont wanna know what happens, I've got a few ideas but I'd rather see the final episode myself.... I read the O.C> thread and found out about its finale and i wasnt meant to know that, yet!!!!!!!!
I watched it! I thought it was good, everything ended on a good note! I can't wait until the last 3 seasons come out on DVD!! The only thing that bugged me was the fact that they had Monica's character in such FRUMPY clothes to hide the actress's REAL pregnancy since she wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant on the show... I kept thinking "who are they kidding?". I think they should have just written her pregnancy into the script somehow.. Like maybe added it into the story line that she got pregnant AFTER they already agreed to adopt the other girl's baby. That happens to a lot of couples, they finally get pregnant AFTER they've already adopted, and often at the same time! That would have been a cool ending. I wonder if Courtney Cox-Arquette was annoyed that she looked so frumpy on the last episodes of a show she was on for 10 years?
it was good but wtf was with the 2 birds getting SO much attention meanwhile chandler has 2 newborn babies in his apartment! I definitely thought there was too little time on the babies, like, if you tuned in after they brought the babies home and showed everyone, you wouldn't even know they had them. Also, phoebe and joey didnt have big problems or solutions, but like whatever, it was good anyways. "I got off the plane" THE LEFT FILANGEE lol!!
"Don't worry we put extra phalanges on. It's loaded with phalanges." A phalange is actually a finger. lol
I have the ability to truthfully say, there are three shows I have never seen. They are: #1. Seinfeld #2. Friends #3. Baywatch I am PROUD to admit never having seen these shows, because I don't believe a person has to be physically perfect, and Seinfeld is just annoying. Just like Ray Romano. (Everybody does NOT like Raymond!)
Although I was never a rampant Freinds watcher, Bear and I did watch the Finale. VERY predictable. Although what happened to the "Joey Room" at Chandler and Monica's house?
I thought it lacked emotion. Plus it was predictable. Who thinks Joey will last more than one episode?
yea the lack of responsability on that show with kids is rediculious. Lets get Racheal Pregnant but later not have the kid in any of the shots because it takes away from Racheal's character. Like if your going to write in kids, write them in. Don't just add the pregnancy for a story line then once she's popped it out forget it ever exsisted. They did the same thing with Phebie. Now I know they were not her kids but they never had them on. Only twice after. Once when one rolled away and another when they were brats. Yeah great writing. Sorry I have a big issue with Child neglect. Other then that I thought the show was good. I was expecting Ross to show up in Paris with Emma instead of Rachael's mom but this worked too. Yea I found out a falangie is a finger from watching CSI tonight.
I always did wonder where the heck Emma was... I mean there is no way in REAL life that someone could have a kid and have as much free time as Rache's character did!
this is the only one i saw. i didnt really like it. o yea what was up with that one chick havin that couples babies?!
there's this dj by the name of kenny g on wfmu (my favorite radio station). he has a three hour show on wed. where he usually sings kareoke and other amusing nonsense. today he played the whole friends final episode, commercials, laugh tracks including some added affects and all in suuuuupppppeeeer ssssslllloooooowwwwww motion. it was hilarious, and strangely fascinating. really, it was such a trip. how did that show stay on the air and so popular?? hahahahahaha
Well if you never seen any of these i think your opinion lacks. I was never much for friends some shows were funny. But Sienfeld rules, i still watch the reruns daily and laugh me ass off. Its hard to pull of an intellient and witty sitcom. I think the last one before seinfeld was cheers.
Friends is the best and only show on tv that i watch! Its great, it lasted 10yrs and was still great, they went out at the right point! The last episode wasn't 2 emotional no, but the one before did all that, so they ended on a gd note, i'll definatly miss it! If ur proud of never seein friends, ur missin out and i feel sorry 4 u! I never started watchin friends till a few yrs ago and love it, if i could only watch one thing on TV i would choose Friends!!! Hannah.