Freedom Of Speech!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Yogamat, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. I think our freedom of speech gets used against us. Anymore, the militarized police are so strong, all we can do is talk. And then they keep getting bigger while telling us how free we are and to appreciate it. Until all we're left doing is saying nice things about everything. Or instead being derided as a lunatic for thinking things are so bad.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You're free say anything you like but if you don't agree with someone you're a lying, racist scumbag that needs to die lol.
    bugsboner and onceburned like this.
  3. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I disagree, ya lying racist scumbag. Diediedie

    (Jk. Do not die)
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    There's so much I want to explain and say, but I do not know how, so I do not think I'll try. :(
  5. Then you are not exercising your freedom of speech and are a traitor to the United States.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Not that it matters.. But, yes. Probably.
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I was kidding of course, just in case the sad face was in response to what I said. Do not die do not be sad
  8. onceburned

    onceburned Banned

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    If someone says something that makes you mad, to the point of anger, they have total control of you...….
    storch and Irminsul like this.
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Not that it matters, but.. The sad face was to represent my heart and soul being oppressed by the majority, the ones that hold their own personal and individual opinions over the heads of anyone else by punishment of redicule and generalistic characteristics of being a shit person.
  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    you can say whatever you want,, if you never show your face...
  11. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Got to give us what we want (uh)
    Gotta give us what we need (hey)
    Our freedom of speech is freedom or death
    We got to fight the powers that be

    - Public enemy
  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    It might sound good it might say a lil something, but fuck your speech if you ain't sayin nuthin
  13. new Athenian

    new Athenian Members

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    Freedom of speech is in jeopardy to be sure. Look at activities around the country on college campuses where students organize to shut down speech they don't agree with some even calling for the death of those same individuals. Google, Twitter, Youtube and Facebook actively throttling speech they disagree with and now the latest from Microsoft is they want to begin selecting the news you get to read.
    None of this is free speech it is in fact choosing what others may or may not hear and seeking to shut down those with whom they disagree.
    Freedom itself can only flourish when everyone is able to peaceably speak their minds conversely the denial of speech for any of our citizens is an open invitation to anarchy for the suppressed will not remain so indefinitely as history has shown time and again.
    When issues and ideas are given the fair light of day then truth , freedom, and democracy will flourish.
    If any men are not free then none are free ?

    “Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”
    ― Winston Churchill
  14. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Irminsul likes this.
  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  16. SunPower

    SunPower Members

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    The truth is, democracy is just a softer communism. You don't have the right to speak about everything, otherwise you will find yourself in troubles with the police or things like this. Yes you don't have state owned media to do propaganda like in a communist country but still you have private owned media by individuals who are involved in the political domain who use the same propaganda to manipulate people's opinion. They don't want you to speak about certain things, like the Holocaust story, 9/11, cancer and things like this. No they will not prosecute you (hopefully), but you will find yourself censored if you speak about them.
    Youtube: Goyim Knowing Red Alert - Joy Of Satan Forums

    Very simple example, YouTube is using an algorithm which is automatically shadow-banning users who try to 'spread false theories' about the things above mentioned. Not because are false, but because the people who owns media do not want the mass people to know the truth about them. If people would be educated, they would be way more difficult to control, actually impossible. And yes, propaganda do control people, because propaganda is control of information, so control of public opinion. You see already what French Yellow Vests are doing after they discovered that Rothschilds are running their government, using their former employee Macron as a puppet.
  17. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Social media means no one has to be peer reviewed. So anyone can say anything. For those who want to believe they are victims of society they think they are censored. They do not have accurate information. The goverment is not trying to get you it is protecting people from themselves.

    There would not be Measles outbreak now for example if youtube did not make people think they know more than a doctor. A combination of narasism and delusion. They are so important a whole medical system lies to them. Get over yourself.

    The bans are good and anyone banned is free to post elsewhere online.
  18. SunPower

    SunPower Members

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    Indeed ban is useful for people who do spam or troll. But apart from this, since you say anyone can say everything, then you in the same time agree than nobody should be censored for saying something. You just have an example above that this 'democratic' law is not applying. As I said, YouTube use algorithms to ban certain comments. Even people who were discussing about normal cotidian things found themselves censored with their messages being shadow-banned. You simply post a comment which is visible only to you, not to anybody else.

    Another example, a lot of countries have implemented laws which prohibits the debate of the Holocaust. I don't say nothing about the event itself, but why would someone prohibit you to speak about this? There were people imprisoned for just publicly questioning this. So really anyone can say anything?

    And if is about cancer, this was an example cited by Youtube regarding 'misinformation'. Again, why would you shadow-ban someone who is debating about cancer? We know very well than cancer exploitation grown an entire industry around the world. This is easy to see since actual treatments costs tens of thousands of dollars and they are not curing the disease at all. Even if this has nothing to do with the subject here it should still raise a few questions in your mind about what I said above.
  19. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    There are certain events in history such as the Holocaust that we can not deny. Espeicly now with the people alive then dying now. It's a dangerous time where people are working very hard to erase that. We have to preserve the past and not allow it to be romanticized.

    These people want a return to those times and think of Hitler as a victim of the "deep state" how it is now known. With American politics this is like Trump to his voters. Anyone in America associated with the white power/ Nazi movements is a Trump voter. It's unlikely they would have voted for a Democrat.

    They will use the freedoms we give them as long as they can exploit them. I think it's only Germany that will flat out arrest you if you deny it. With their special history on that issue I see that. I would not support that in America. The accurate history of the event should be taught in schools. If someone wants to privately worship Hitler or see him as some victim of PC culture that is up to them. There are Nazi parries in several countries. Thought on it's own is not crime. But these thoughts easily lead to crime and people with them label themselves as dangerous.

    Too many in America take freedom of speech to mean their feeling is true. No matter what I think this and it's OK. Even at the expense of science and others only I matter. I have the right to make my own world. Oddly these people are often the same ones priding themselves on their logic and saying feelings are bad. The classic snowflake insult.

    A democratic society as a whole can decide certain things are not their values. You have the freedom to hate we also have the freedom to not allow the hate.

    This mans no you can not speak at this college campus. No, you can not have a permit to demonstrate. No, you can not use a private platform such as youtube to spread your ideas. Youtube censors drug use and other things the society does not like too. It's not just politcal.

    But yes feel free to go the library and read Mein Kampf. I have and it really helped to know that I do NOT agree with this book. Others need the freedom to decide that on their own.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  20. Libbygrable87

    Libbygrable87 Members

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    I agree with Freedom of speech to a point like you cannot make threats or allegations against people that are untrue and will destroy the persons reputation or send them to prison over a lie. I also think people have the right not to allow certain words in the home or work place like swearing. I swear like a sailor but their are areas I cannot use my foul language.

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