Freedom From Atheism

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Zzap, Nov 27, 2015.

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  1. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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    Why do atheists assault Christians, Muslims, Jews, and all religious people on this planet with demands everyone conform to the atheist agenda?

    It seems if we want to be fair about this religious people should also have

    freedom from atheists and secularism.

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  2. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    there is a place on this planet for that, it's called the Middle East. go knock yourself out.
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  3. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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  4. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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    You mean:


  5. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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  6. Listen, this is just going to turn into another negative post where we all tear each other apart. What's the point? Do we really need that, or do we just get off on that? Because so God help me...

    Let's make this the love post where we forget our petty differences instead. Just for one moment in time. What do you say, brothers? *holds your hands*



  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I agree with the OP. I think atheists are very hypocritical. They go on and on and tell us they don't like religion because they force it on others and then we have to sit and listen and read from them forcing their beliefs back onto you.

    It's a simple coexistence. Just let people believe what they want to believe. :) no insults or anything. Simple.
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  8. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    What pisses me off are self claimed atheists that still use "Oh My God", as an expression... Seriously?
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  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    What pisses me off are threads like this and some of the nitwit comments. I wonder if it was an atheist that shot up planned parenthood In co. Yesterday.
    No worries.... The religious are not going extinct.
  10. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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  11. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Because religion is evil shit.
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  12. Emanresu

    Emanresu Member

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    Why would that piss you off? It is clearly a very normal phrase, engrained into many people before they have any thought about gods or their potential existence. It is a simple knee-jerk reaction, not to be taken literally. People still say "let off steam" but none of them actually believe in the hydraulic theory of mind. But personally I prefer "Oh your god!".

    Oh and to the OP, I see no evidence of this attack you speak of, at least in the United States. The idea that Christianity is under attack when there is a tax exempt Christian palace (ie church) on every street corner is laughable, and makes light of people throughout the world who are actually persecuted for their beliefs.

    It is true that athiests have to defend themselves often, because we are constantly accused of being immoral and irrational, but a strong self defense should not be misconstrued as an assault.
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  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    "It is true that athiests have to defend themselves often, because we are constantly accused of being immoral and irrational, but a strong self defense should not be misconstrued as an assault."

    I love this last sentence of yours. i could not have said it better myself.
  14. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Hail Satan!
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  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    or is it
    Heil Hitler
  16. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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    But religion is and always has been 100% about "good v evil", "[moral] right v wrong", "good v bad".

    So are you claiming to be an atheist only to use some religious moral construct to determine that religion is evil?
  17. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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    Like the previous poster, religious morality is the reasoning of what is right versus what is wrong and then doing what is right, which since the beginning of time is the core definition of religion.

    So do you agree that atheists are creating their own religion?
  18. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    the original poster said he wanted freedom from secularism. not realizing that separation of church and state, i.e. secularism, provides freedom for everyone to have whichever faith they want. if there was no secularism one religious institution would dictate the lives and laws of the country, how people should live in their private lives. no more masturbating for any of you, because church says it's wrong. let's not even go into the topic of homosexuality, women's rights, extramarital sex, etc. homosexuals would be thrown into jail, or worse burned at the stake the way it was done when the Western society was not secular. women would have no right to vote, the way it was when Western society was not secular.

    you guys want non secularism? read 14th-18th century European history and see how you would like to live in those societies there. it would be a complete regression from the progress the Western society has made.

    as far as atheists go -- i am an atheist. i don't give a crap what anybody believes in, as long as they don't believe that their religion justifies killing people or that people not believing their religion should adhere to it. i don't know where this impression is coming from that atheists are forcing their ''beliefs'' on you. we don't have beliefs in the first place. the only thing i've seen atheists do is explain life in evolutionary terms, to explain origins of the universe through cosmology, and other scientific principles. that's not forcing religion down your throat. science is not religion.

    secularism has nothing to do with atheism, and it's not atheists forcing their 'agenda' on you. secularism means separation of church and state, that every person is entitled to freedom to think and believe in whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm anybody else. secularism precisely means that no one religion has priority over any other, and that none of those religions should have a say in the legal and judicial matters. do you want the alternative?

    you guys are confusing secularism with atheism which is completely inaccurate. atheists support secularism. secularism is a separate principle from atheism.
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  19. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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    But that is admission that you are not paying attention since it is under attack from all fronts.

    As an example the commercial accommodation laws that subjects and oppresses Christians and other religious people forcing them service to accommodate atheists agendas against their beliefs stripping them of their religious dignity against their chosen religion, using the legal system as a weapon of destruction instead of protecting their rights.

    Thats atheists are responding to 'everyones right to religious freedom'.

    Do you think the only way religions can assaulted, persecuted, oppressed in retaliation against their beliefs is through taxation?
  20. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    you said you wanted freedom from secularism. the Middle East has no secularism. that's why i told you to go there. all Western countries are secular.

    i am an atheist. i have no religion.

    what do you call the opposite of religion?
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