Free The Nipple

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by rheeglenn, Oct 29, 2019.


Do you think the Free The Nipple movement will ultimately succeed?

  1. Yes, women will be free to go topless in public within the next five years

  2. Yes, women will eventually be able to be topless in public, but not for a long time yet

  3. I'm not sure; maybe women will gain more topfreedom in some aspects of public life

  4. I doubt it, I'm just not sure enough women even want to go around topless for it to succeed

  5. No, women in most societies will always need to cover their breasts

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  1. rheeglenn

    rheeglenn Members

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    The Free the Nipple campaign has been in full swing, officially, for about seven years. Is it gaining any meaningful traction? What do you think?
  2. barefootPatrick

    barefootPatrick Members

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    I don’t think its gaining anything. I don’t see nipples anywhere I go. Except for at a swimming pool, but that doesn’t count.
  3. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We live year round in s hot climate. Women of all ages here including my wife go braless and think nothing of it. They are not flaunting their assets. It’s all about comfort and casual clothing.
    Scarecrow13 likes this.
  4. rheeglenn

    rheeglenn Members

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    To be clear, the Free the Nipple campaign strives to enable women to legally be *topless* in public, not merely braless.

    @barefootPatrick Why wouldn't at a swimming pool count?
  5. rheeglenn

    rheeglenn Members

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    And as for my two cents, I definitely think it's gaining momentum, even if it's not on the fast track. For example, regarding breastfeeding, I hear and read about more and more women who don't care to cover themselves or sit in a hidden room or restroom in order to breastfeed. They are becoming increasingly bold about allowing their breasts and nipples to be exposed in public, however briefly. Some ten to twenty years ago, the prevailing attitude leaned toward hiding out, but these days more women are saying "Why should I?"
  6. Mr. Man

    Mr. Man Member

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    In the 1970s, the University of Texas police arrested a woman for jogging topless on the running track at UT's stadium. But they found there was no specific ordinance against going topless on campus, so they had to let her go and couldn't charge her with an offense. The headline the next day in the university's student newspaper carried a headline that read "Topless coed makes cops look like boobs."
    Scarecrow13 likes this.
  7. rheeglenn

    rheeglenn Members

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    Funny! But they couldn't charge her with disorderly conduct?
  8. Mr. Man

    Mr. Man Member

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    Don't know. But the university's chief of police wrote a letter to the newspaper that was published the day after the story. The chief took exception to the headline because he said the cops released the woman with no charges. I think he said the cops would only have looked like boobs if they had tried to officially charge her in court and detain her or require her to post bail.

    I forgot to mention that the first paragraph of the story said something like "University of Texas police officers apparently were not abreast of the law when they tried to arrest a woman for jogging topless on the Memorial Stadium running track yesterday. "
  9. barefootPatrick

    barefootPatrick Members

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    I see nipples poke into the women’s bikini tops at the pool. That’s the only place.
  10. rheeglenn

    rheeglenn Members

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    @Mr. Man Classic first line! But I do agree with the chief.

    @barefootPatrick Okay, then I agree, that wouldn't count. Nipples poking through clothing are still covered, while FTN wants them out in the open.

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