Free me video

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by annabegins, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. annabegins

    annabegins Member

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    This is what made me decide on becoming a vegetarian, i was undecided at first, but this made the decision easy.

    The video for Free me on made me cry. I have always been a meat eater, and im just starting out as a vegetarian. I am so disgusted on how these ppl that work at the factories can be so horrible that they beat them and watching these poor helpless animals try to walk with broken legs and the torture, my god. I'm so sickened. I can never eat meat again, and if you are not a vegetarian, i ask for you to watch the video. You may think again. I know that just not eating meat doesnt really make a huge difference, just a little. I wish there was more that i can do to help, but at least i can make a small difference. I'd like to just burn down the slaughter houses and the ppl that work there.
  2. .::INCUBUS::.

    .::INCUBUS::. Member

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    I've seen many animal cruelty video's that have made me so sick to my stomach and ashamed to be human, but as many as I've seen I haven't become desensitized to it, if anything it seems to hit me harder the more I see those poor innocent creatures torured!

    I cried and had to look away several times while watching :(

    The song was fitting, they did a great job, I've always liked Goldfinger, kickass band!

    Congrats to you on becomming a vegetarian, hang in there :)

    I am a strict vegetarian and am on my way to going vegan its moving slow but I feel its the right thing for me to do and for now I've been buying vegan products here and there and using a lot of vegan recipes and educating myself as much as I can so when the day comes I wake up and decide I'm switching over, I feel I will be able to stick with it and less likely to go back.
  3. Sunburst

    Sunburst Fairy

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    Isn't it great? Yeah, I bawl every time I see that one. I'v watched it half a dozen times and showed it to countless friends.
    According to a magazine I read, the lead singer from Goldfinger wrote the song after they were on the road and he saw a truck full of live animals being shipped to slaughter. Later on when they were eating at some fast food restaurant, he saw another truck from the same company parked behind the building. I guess he wrote it in the hotel room that night. Pretty good, huh?
  4. annabegins

    annabegins Member

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    yeah. It really goes good with the video, and it really is inspiring for meat eaters to realize what REALLY goes on. I honestly had no idea how sick and horrible it was. I know now though.

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