Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist Church ('God Hates Fags'), Reported Near Death March 16, 2014 ASSOCIATED PRESS TOPEKA, Kan. -- The "Rev." Fred Phelps Sr., who founded a Kansas church that's widely known for its protests at military funerals and anti-gay sentiments, is in a care facility, according to a church spokesman. Phelps is being cared for in a Shawnee County facility, Westboro Baptist Church spokesman Steve Drain said Sunday. Drain wouldn't identify the facility. "I can tell you that Fred Phelps is having some health problems," Drain said. "He's an old man and old people get health problems." He said Phelps is 84. Members of the Westboro church ("God Hates Fags"), based in Topeka, frequently protest at funerals of soldiers with signs containing messages like "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "Thank God for 9/11," claiming the deaths are God's punishment for American immorality and tolerance of homosexuality and abortion. Westboro Baptist, a small group made mostly of Phelps' extended family, inspired a federal law and laws in numerous states limiting picketing at funerals. But in a major free-speech ruling in 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the church and its members couldn't be sued for monetary damages for inflicting pain on grieving families under the First Amendment. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil-rights nonprofit group, has called Westboro Baptist Church a hate group. SHALE COMMENT: Of course they won't tell where he's at. Ppl might come to payback some of the grief those unconscionable low-lifes have caused to so many. Can't wait to see who shows up at his funeral. Thank God for Dead Phelps'
The ignorance is dying off along with the old ideologies. The younger generation looks at these dinosaurs and realise religion is mostly a huge crock of bull for the weak of mind and hopeful. It's too bad he won't realise when he is dead, because when he dies, he will be DEAD!
They're a little too interested in gays. Which to me means that their inordinate interest proves that unfulfilled desires lurk just below the surface. They sure have wasted their lives.
Most homophobes are gay, they are just a bit to obsessive and interested in the subject. They fear who they are, what a way to live, pathetic.
I think you guys got it! This just in: Westboro Baptist Church To Protest Fred Phelps' Funeral, Says Daughter By Maria Vultaggio International Business News March 17 2014 After finding out Rev. Fred Phelps Sr. was on the verge of death many quipped the Westboro Baptist Church, the very organization he founded, would picket his funeral like they have so many others in the past. It might sound like a joke but apparently it’s the real deal: the WBC will hold a demonstration at the funeral of their former pastor. Phelps Sr., 84, began to make headlines over the weekend after his estranged son Nathan posted a note to Facebook where he said the pastor is currently in hospice care and was excommunicated from the organization for reasons that remain unclear. As twisted as it may be, his daughter Margie (who is a part of the WBC) said on Twitter the hate-fueled organization would definitely be at his funeral, if only to picket. “My dad Pastor Fred Phelps is a hell bound f*g enabling whore,” she shockingly wrote on Twitter Sunday evening. “#Westboro Baptist Church to protest this whores Funeral.” Margie had nothing but revulsion to spread in regards to her father’s ailing health. She added he is “now a hell bound whore.” Speculation as to why he was excommunicated is rampant on the Internet, with some assuming the WBC members found out Phelps was actually gay and others thinking he might have had a change in heart as his health declined. There’s no definite answer as of now.
Sorry to disappoint.
I think he was secretly bi (at best). But I still have no desire to damn him to hell. Despite his hatred of LGBTQ folks: I'll let God take care of that part. And he always claimed to be speaking for God. Now he will know. It's quite sad (yet revealing) that family members are now damning him straight to hell? Why did they not do this when he was healthy and on his twisted crusade to condemn all gay folks to an eternity of fire and brimstone? That's when he could have made peace with this world. But his family stayed oddly silent. Now they are conveniently crawling out of the woodwork. Some people are such cowards. Or perhaps they are just afraid? Matthew Shepard puts them all to shame. QP
As I understand what I've read, old man Phelps landed in this physical condition after he was excommunicated from their "church" because he began to not eat enough to nourish himself properly.
Churches! I was excommunicated from two (for being gay) before I was 21! That's when I finally figured out that true churches are not made of brick and stone. They can be found in nature. Trees are the roof, the sun is stained glass windows, and the lush green grass is a holy ground. QP
Fred Phelps Update: March 20, 2014 Associated Press (excerpts) Daughter Margie Phelps told The Associated Press that Fred Phelps, whose actions drew international condemnation, died around midnight Thursday. She didn't provide the cause of death or the condition that recently put him in hospice care. Phelps' final weeks were shrouded in mystery. A long-estranged son, Nate Phelps, said his father had been voted out of the congregation in the summer of 2013 "after some sort of falling out," but the church refused to discuss the matter. Westboro's spokesman would only obliquely acknowledge this month that Phelps had been moved into a care facility because of health problems. Asked if he was surrounded by family or friends at his death, Margie Phelps would only say that "all of his needs were met when he died." There will be no funeral, she said. I guess they saw that one coming.
He was a bigot. No doubt about it. And I always hated how he would show up at hot publicity memorials (Matt Shepard - young people that had died for our country, etc.) and damn them straight to hell. But why are we dragging ourselves down to his level? If the man is dead, then let us not follow his sorry example. He was clearly a very sick dude. And may he now rest in peace. When fighting monsters, let's not become monsters ourselves (a wise man once said). We have the strength to rise above his bigotry. Just never forget. That's the most important part. And that's what our future needs most. Not rejoicing in his death. Just my two cents. QP
Eventually he will be forgotten, except in historical documentaries like Anita Bryant is now. (The Day it Snowed in Miami is on PBS now - showing her hateful, religious fueled anti-gay crusade in 1977) So, most young ppl will either forget him or (Like they do with the Mercedes symbol and the Peace symbol) confuse him for some other misguided character. Creepy Old Preacher from Poltergeist II Creepy Old Preacher from Topeka Kansas
That was 16 years ago now. For a bit of perspective, Wiki page for orientation hate crimes in US, read especially recent times, the 2010 to present section, notice how many of them are actually MTF trans. Feels a bit weird every time Mathews name pops up, especially nowadays since it was so long ago, and because it seems to have always been something that happens far more often to trans women....well and cis women for that matter
It pains me every time someone says "good riddance" or "glad he/she's dead!". Don't celebrate another human being's passing like that. It's horrible. I felt the same way when people celebrated Usama Bin Ladin's death. It's not wonderful and lovely to have your father shot in front of you. Fred Phelps was not a very kind man but he was a father and I'm sure he was a friend too. Show some respect instead of stooping down to their level. It makes you no better. This.
I don't think it's all that unusual to have a dislike for a despicable human being and make comments about him/her. I don't even wish Rush Limbaughs death, even though I think he's on an immoral path about the same as Phelps was and contributes to even MORE hate than Phelps did. You-all have a point about sinking to their level---but frankly it's difficult not to see how destructive those folks are and not comment. If you don't agree that some people just need to be gone for the sake of humanity---then that's the way it goes. I differ.
He made people miserable and sought to get people hurt for somethiing it makes you look bad to hurt people for. I care more about nameless teens, any age people that had to feel even worse, get hurt or perished some way of that stupid, self serving shit. I figure they could use the air time too and it's weak. He was always like a big pile of pathologic bile. He may not have killed directly, but that was because in reality, he could only pick on little kids. That about covers his obituary.
:2thumbsup: Thanx for writing that - saved me some time. And, I don't think anyone in the USA could feel bad for Osama Bin Ladin's death. Saying good riddance and glad he's dead is not horrible. You want horrible - I was actually pissed that he took a head shot. I was hoping for a gut shot that would have lingered a while.