I used to date a woman who washed her box with fragrant soap. I hated it. Unless a woman has an infection, she should have an erotic fragrance. I do not like not a woman's natural fragrance masked by fragrant soap. I want her natural frangrance. My girlfriend washes herself with Ivory soap. She has told me that her OB/GYN has told her to use only ivory soap. Apparently fragrant soap can irritate a woman's vajayjay. I love the fragrance of my girlfriend's vajayjay. I can spend an hour between her legs. Her vajayjay has only her natural fragrance. My girlfriend doesn't even have to use deodorant. She never has anything close to an offense fragrance. She will take at east one shower a day. She is always clean. When she's working and sweating, she'll shower before she'll allow me between her legs. How many women use fragrant soap on their vajayjays? Do men like vajayjays that smell of fragrant soap? Or do me love the natural fragrance of a clean vajayjay? If a vajayjay has an odor, a woman has either poor hygiene or an infection. Either way, a vajayjay with odor is not pleasant. On the other side of the coin, my girlfriend has told me that a dude who reeks of sweat and urine is a huge turn off. She used to have to tell her athlete boyfriend to shower before she'd have sex with him.
Where I come from we say toto instead of vajayjay. Official Thread Announcement: We will from this point forward use the word toto in place of vajayjay. That is all.
Vajayjay is a noun that's female palatable. Dudes use pussy, snatch, trim, action, ****, twat, etc. Since we're in mixed company, vajayjay is more appropriate. Regardless of what that piece of Heaven is called, I want its natural fragrance. No perfumed soap!
Well, it's never a good to cover up one's putrid stank via artificial chemicals, toto or otherwise, it barely ever works out. It is always a good idea to take a bath before having sex. Your toto will thank you! For me it has always been toto(toe-toe). I know, because we would giggle as kids whenever we'd hear Dorothy talk to her dog we would wonder if she was swearing.
Tota is Puerto Rican slang for vagina. I had to look up how it was spelled. It always sounded like Doe Tee when I heard it.
Vajayjay..I guess it's better than your first choice.."box" Vagina for an adult is acceptable, and it's what it is!
I'm sorry but I can't provide a cogent response to any question that refers to the most beautiful sight that a man can behold as 'her box'.
Yggdrazil, If you're hanging with a chick whose vajayjay has a putrid stench, odds are she has an infection and needs medical attention. Bathing will not remover such odor. A girlfriend from days past and I used to work out. She used to sweat. Even after working out, her pussy never smelled. We never had sex until we showered, but her pussy never smelled. BTW, she was an RN. Anther girlfriend from my reckless days of youth was an aerobics instructor. She used to tell me that she used to sweat, she did not stink. Apparently if a person's healthy, sweat should be odorless. It's bacteria that is found on our skin that gives odor to sweat. A chemical engineer I know told me to add a cup of white vinegar to every load of wash to remove all naturally occurring odors.
Still not impressed with the description. Such a horrible term for such a beautiful part of the female body. If I referred to my wife's beautiful pussy in such a way, I'd be lucky to see it ever again!!!
Running Man, Sounds like your wife and you could use senses of humor. My girlfriend still jokes about her pussy. She's been known to use double ententres about her pussy. I know. I've seen her do it. It keeps me on my toes. "What did she mean about that crack up thing?" I love having a horny girlfriend. She's damned good looking, has a great body, and likes to have her brains fucked out as hard as I can bring it. Even better, she can fuck for hours. She's told me that many of her boyfriends were intimidated by her sex drive. I take advantage of it.
Bwahahaha. Oh please dude, it's a piece of flesh. I find this even more disturbing than "lunch box" *giggle*. No need to deify genitalia.
No.Just a decent bloke but thanks for asking. I'm sure that nobody in here will be offended by your referral to slavery!