Forums Gathering... open invite

Discussion in 'Events and Festivals' started by dilligaf, May 8, 2004.

  1. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    There will be a forum gathering July 1-7 (or there abouts) on our (hhb n i n km) private 15 acres of land in the North GA. mountains. Anyone is welcome and we hope to see as many folks here as we can get...

    Yes, we know it coincides with the national gathering, but we ourselves can't make it out there so we know there are many others that won't be able too as well..

    People are welcome to come and go as they please ( so long as yer not wasted) and you dont have to stay the whole week either,,, just when yas can make it.. Angelgodiva n her hubby will be here for the entire week with us and some others have atleast planned on making it here at some point..

    All we ask of folks is that they treat our land and us as they would wish to have themselves and their land treated..There are camping sites here on property, non potable water will be available and we will be setting up some sorta "puterputzpukeplatterkitchen" area. Kids and families are welcome as well.. Must be 18 or with a guardian or parent otherwise.

    I will get directions and a more informative piece written up soonly and post them as well til then iffin ya have any questions gimme or hhb a holler..
  2. We_All_Shine_On

    We_All_Shine_On Senior Member

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    Wish I could go man, but im up here in canada
  3. Manolao

    Manolao Member

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    I am even further.. in the old (and now with 10 new entries!!) Europe...
  4. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    All differences here aside,, we hope to see all of you here..[​IMG]

    Only person truly confirmed is angelgodiva,,,we've had others make commitments but some ain't even in these new fangled forums no more,,,....

    We have a pig roast planned for the 4th,,, plenty of campin space,,, 4 nice fire pits already built,,water is taken care of,, shitters are dependin on whos comin,, right now we have a outhouse,,...[​IMG]

    Truly would love as many of yall as can make it fer a day or few to wander thru,,...[​IMG]

    An fer those that give a shit,, angel will be here fer the whole shindig,, 1ST thru 7Th....
  5. DiffKettleOfFish

    DiffKettleOfFish Kickin' it

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    Sounds cool, except the dead pig part :p

    I'm in North GA already, I'll try to make it up there. Post more info :)
  6. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    location : north georgia mtns. Gilmer County, just below the cohutta wilderness,,

    it will be on our 15 acres of private land where there are plenty of tent sites and such...

    we will be setting up a kitchen type area and for those that have rug rats we will try and have something up for them as well ,,,

    as we said it will be from 1-7 of july or there abouts and angelgodiva will definitely be here the entire time...

    we are planning a pig roast or something for the weekend of the fourth and encourage folks to bringg d rums etc for fire circles n such ...

    i am currently working on directions n such to post soonly and area attractions etc for those who would like to make it more a vacation type thing and do more things,,, so stay tuned...

    postnote all we ask is that ppl respect our land and us as they would wish theirs to be respected..
  7. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    we are in central north Ga, gilmer county,,, find a map and get to ellijay or chatsworth:p

    you will be coming into the kudzu patch off of Ga state route 52

    from ellijay

    From ellijay you will take 52 west about 5 miles out of town (at approximately 3 miles you will see new hope grocery on the right) pass mile marker 8 Gates Chapel road will be on the right. turn onto gates chapel and go about a mile to mile and a half, you will pass pickett mill subdivision on the left and then dover falls on the right, Zion hill road is on the right directly after dover falls subdiv.. follow Zion hill for about a mile or there abouts, ,, on the right hand side will be douglas mountain trail,,,,(dirt road) follow the main trail up to the left will be paved drive but contnue on up the hill to top,,, where the nasty sign sayin no trespassin , no turn around, no parking etc, veer to the left and go thru the gates and continue following this path (errrrrr trail) on up to the homestead ...

    Again from chatsworth you will be coming in on Ga state route 52 east... continue east on 52 for approx 15 miles. pass mile marker 9 and sumners grading and hauling on left... Gates chapel road is on the left just before mile marker 8.... (iffin ya go too far,,,, new hope grocery will be on yer left, turn yer butt around n back track then follow directions from ellijay),,,, turn onto gates chapel .. and go about a mile to mile and a half, you will pass pickett mill subdivision on the left and then dover falls on the right, Zion hill road is on the right directly after dover falls subdiv.. follow Zion hill for about a mile or there abouts, ,, on the right hand side will be douglas mountain trail,,,,(dirt road) follow the main trail up to the left will be paved drive but contnue on up the hill to top,,, where the nasty sign sayin no trespassin , no turn around, no parking etc, veer to the left and go thru the gates and continue following this path (errrrrr trail) on up to the homestead ... hope to see yas here....

    Rsvps would be appreciated but not required:)

  8. staples420

    staples420 Member

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    Wish I could make it! I'll actaully be around Atlanta but not till like the 10th or so.. oh well.. Hope things go well!
  9. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    Well we are less than 4 weeks away now...

    Hope everyone is making there plans to attend...:)

    Hope to see you all here!!!:sunglasse
  10. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    Only 2 Weeks left until the big weekend,, err 10 days if yer comin for the whole week,, get yer ducks in a row an get on down here folks...:sunglasse
  11. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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  12. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    hey everyone!! i will be headin up to hilly and dillis place this weekend............. should be there by saturday!!! everyone who isnt busy this weekend really needs to head on out that way too. It will be like a big family reunion yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you wanna meet your fellow hip forumers and chill for a weekends with us all?????????????
  13. darkstar8413

    darkstar8413 Member

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    it does sound good but i didn't even learn about it till now and already made plans for the gratefulfest. hope yall have a great time though, im sure you will
  14. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    for those headin up here this next week,,,,, once you are on route 52 from either direction ,,,, look for the yeller smilies n foller them on up....:p
  15. PeaceLuvinHippieTaz

    PeaceLuvinHippieTaz Member

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    GA is along way from Kansas, Toto. It sounds great though. Hope you have a good turn-out and thanx for the invite. You all have fun.
  16. Claire

    Claire Senior Member

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    Wow this sounds great! I'm guessing you'll all be there by now:)

    Have a great time and post some incriminating photos of the party when its all over:p

    Fun Fun Fun!!!

    Love Learning and Freedom Clairexxx
  17. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    well we started out last night and realized we forgot the babys bed and it took about 4 hours to get home and find it........... the babies are actin up today so i don't think we will be making that ride. it wold be 7 hours in the car with two mini-satans................ sorry we wont be able to make it this time :) i have never seen a baby act so mean in my life......... jimi is acting like he has been posessed

  18. VWHippieBus

    VWHippieBus Member

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    I wish I heard about this earlier, I haven't been on the forums for a while and when they re-did everything on here I lost my whole profile and had to create a new account. Do you think you will have another forum get together. I'm from NJ so I don't have too far to travel and I would love to go.
  19. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    Georgia has mountains? :eek:

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