With the explosion of social media I know it sorta hurt forums, but I like the anonymous aspect to them. I joined this forum 14 years ago, and go through phases in my life where I disapear for years at a time and come back to say hi and stay. I've seen what social media is doing to the youth these days and I've never seen such a disconnect between my generation and the ones coming out today. With forums it can be an alter ego thing. What I notice is the younger kids have a disconnect from who they created online and they're true selves. Starting conversation, and can elaborate in post later as not to blow my wad all in one post
I feel like both social media and forums can exist on their own realm. Forums are old news now though, but only because they are past their time man, people don't communicate like that anymore, it's not he hip thing to do man. Nothing is left of that but pieces.
hellodog.....missed you brother....i was worried you had become radicalized? yes i agree....youth of today.....blah blah blah......fucked.....social media etc etc fucked fucked fucked
Great To See You Again......How Is Life......How Is Your Young Son Growing Up......???.... Cheers Glen.
never could see the point of social media. those who do are welcome to it of course. forums and galleries make more sense to me.
Remember chat rooms? Yahoo? Man, I miss those.. When I couldn't sleep I'd sit up and talk smack to people.. Sometimes we'd have parties and 100 people would show up at some dive bar in or a club downtown. You never eve had to tell them who you were and what happens in chat, stayed in chat.
some of the old mucks and muds are still around, and local groups who have bb's on the net have chat rooms. the thing now from what i hear, is something called telegram. there's also the old irq sort of things, and skype. i haven't used any of them in ages though, because chatting isn't the first thing i want to do when i get on the net. might be fun AFTER i got done what i got on for though. if only i knew how to set it up that way. there's story boards too, for role play, but they're so regimented any more. damd trolls made them have to be. which i think was a loss for everybody.
IRQ? I remember something called ICQ back like 15 years ago... I wouldn't have much use for it now.. I hardly drink, I don't party much.. I have a Facebook but I don't use any of the popular, Snapchatty things. I honestly prefer forums to all of it... No pressure, you can find a forum for exactly what you want to read/talk about. I hope forums don't go the way of the chat room.. I may as well leave the internet if that happens.
that's what i meant yah. i'm about the same, except i've never gotten around to getting on facebook. (i was on something called care2 for a while, and i still get notices from people circulating petitions on there) what i miss is when everyone had their own web page, that they coded themselves. it was space provided by your isp, that was before e-business and domain registration and domain name claim jumping and all that crap that goes on now.
Yeah, there's too much crap on the web now in general. I think the first social media I remember was the chat room on the Sega game system but I just looked and you were almost right about IRQ. There was an IRC back in 1988 but I wasn't using a computer regularly until 1999. Wow, I've been trolling the interwebs for 16 years... Mind boggling.. I can hardly remember what life was like before then.. Oh yeah, it was drunk and coked up.lol
Hi lodog! I've never really gotten into social media. At my very core I am a very shy person and I don't like to put myself out there on social media. And people who DO put themselves out there on social media annoy me...but I'm also kinda voyeuristic so I guess they entertain me as well. But I do prefer the anonymous factor of forums. I would never discuss politics on Facebook and rarely do in real life but I enjoy it here. And I enjoy just plain ol shooting the shit with different people from all over the world.
This place has always been relevant to me... in spite of my long pauses between posts HipForums rocks! I am always either at a loss for words, fascinated and always entertained by what goes on...around and around and around... [sharedmedia=gallery:images:150594]
The only problem for me is that i should have stayed more anonymous than I am, but i don't have anyone to blame but myself...i should have stayed in the shadows here all along...but the Irish in me kept on having to do the irish jig with my writing....;D Was an entertainer getting up in front of lots of people tap dancing...ballet dancing and this that and the other thing....so I have that ability to ignore crowds and their boos....jk.....but part of me works past that from early training....other part of me is very shy, quiet and reserved.....which is probably my inner core really, anyway.
Back in college I participated in Facebook all the time to talk to my friends and organize parties. This was back before Facebook took over the world, and before all my family members made accounts so they could see what I was up to. I haven't been on it much at all these last 5-6 years ever since Facebook made a partnership with the NSA. Plus, forums like this are a good retreat from constantly seeing baby photos, braggarts, pictures of food, and FarmVille. Forums still have their relevancy as you can be more anonymous with certain entries. It's baffling what horrible things people post on twitter and facebook that you'll know they'll most likely regret later. All those posts with their name and photo next to them get archived online forever.