Edit: this is a piece from the Internet, not written by the OP. -dm When you see me, don’t ask me my name. Don’t buy me a drink, I can buy my own. Don’t pretend to be my friend all night. Wait til it’s time to go, kiss me, and tell me you’re taking me home. When we go home, we’re going to yours. No, I don’t want to watch TV; I know why I’m here. Don’t make small talk. Don’t leave the light on. When you fuck me, don’t try foreplay. You don’t know me, and you don’t know what I like. I’ll spit in my hand and wet my own pussy. Don’t tell me I’m hot, or sexy, or anything. Just put a condom on your dick, and fuck me. Please don’t look at my body or hold my fat hips. When you’re done, don’t tell me you usually last longer. Don’t ask me if I came. Don’t hold my hand, don’t kiss me, don’t spoon me. Don’t tell me I’m beautiful. Don’t tell me to stay. Roll over and go to sleep so I can leave while it’s still dark. When I leave, please don’t look at my face. Please don’t watch me get dressed. Don’t call me a taxi. Don’t offer me a jacket. Let me walk home, breathing in the heady mix of freezing fucking cold 4am air and sex on my skin. Don’t text and ask if I got home okay. I don’t care if I do, and neither should you. When I’m gone, delete my number. Don’t add me on Facebook. Don’t show your friends the marks I left on your back. When you see me out next weekend, don’t act like you know me. Don’t smile at me. Don’t walk over and say hi. Don’t do anything just to be polite. Because I’ll fall in love.
Let's hope not.. I found this short story on the Internet and I decided to post as the moral of the story is love hurts which I agree with Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Was your original post part of the short story on the Internet, or did you write that from your thoughts about the short story?
The moral of the story seems to be that casual sex doesn't come naturally for women and that they'll get too attached if they don't wear emotional armor. I call bullshit.
Hi! It was part of a short story I found.. I didn't want hate or prejudice on my post I thought it was kind of beautiful and portrays people in general, not just women that wear their heart on their sleeve and are prone to being hurt Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk