So I asked a question similar to this in another post, but I realized that this conversation took several turns and diverted from the actual question (which only two people actually answered, lol). How common is it to be uncut (intact) where you are from? (And say where are you from) 1) extremely rare (almost no one) 2) relatively common, but still a minority 3) about 50/50 4) very common, the majority of folks 5) extremely common (almost everyone) I’m not asking how you personally feel about it, or what’s better, or whether you’d do it to your kid, etc. I just want to know how common it is these days. Feel free to say if you (or your male partner/friends/family) are circumcised or not if you want.
I’m a white male in Southern California born in 1966. Well over 95% of my demographic were circumcised as infants. I have two sons, born in 1995 and 1997. Both circumcised. Their generation (in relatively the same location as I grew up) is about 80% circumcised. I know this from discussions with other parents when my kids were babies, as well as from discussions with friends who are MD’s, PA’s, NP’s and RN’s. I don’t know what the current stats are. Hope that helps.
That’s interesting because for that area it seems that the circumcision stats have gone way down. I live in SoCal now, and most of the guys I meet (under 25) are uncut. But that probably has to do with the large Hispanic population here. Statistically though, I’ve read that California is one of the least circumcised states.
I was used to seeing naked guys in the showers and locker rooms for years having been in the military. But I never gazed long enough to get caught meat gazing, lol.
Talking about extra USA areas, in Italy, it is extremely common to be uncut. If we exclude Jewish and Muslims, other people are uncut. Obviously except also circumcised ones for medical reasons.
That’s the case in most western countries actually. The United States is really the only outlier where the majority are cut. Canada and Australia seem to be about 50/50 in my experience. Everywhere else in western civilization is majority uncut.
I was born at an Air Force hospital in SoCal in 67. I was allegedly cut, but too look at me now, you would say I'm uncut. I think the Doc missed when I flinched. It that, or I play with myself too much, and stretched my skin back out.
I suspect you were born right around the corner from where I live, haha. Interestingly enough, Cali is supposedly the most uncircumcised state in the US.
I think it is still more common to be cut. I'm not and I think it's unnecessary. Most of the supposed health benefits can be taken care of with proper hygiene.
I am against the term "cut" sounds like something you get at the meat counter in the grocery store. Call it what it is, circumcised. Check out what the "American Board of Pediatrics" says about circumcision. The primary reason it is done in infancy, if it is to be done at all, is the nervous system is not yet fully developed as well as religious or other reasons, as opposed till waiting until older.
Circumcision literally means “cut around the penis”. So to say “cut” is simply a short, easy way to say circumcised. Here’s the problem... “Circumcised” is an invented term that was designed to normalize a surgical procedure. No other medical procedure has been so normalized in common parlance. We don’t refer to a woman who had breast reduction surgery or cancer as mastectomizd. We don’t call people who’ve had their tonsils removed “tonsilized”. And we don’t call men who’ve had a vasectomy vasectomized. Those would all be considered nonsensical terminologies that most people would view as inappropriate. The only reason to treat circumcision differently is because it has become normalized in your culture. When someone says they are against the term cut because x,y, and answer to them is “I don’t give a shit!” It is what it is. Sugar coating it and calling it something that has been normalized in order to pretend that it’s something other than cutting is something I refuse to do. I think you mean the American Academy of Pediatrics don’t you? And the fact is, they don’t have anything to say about it at all because their last policy statement on circumcision (which are only good for 5 years) expired in 2017. Yeah...the problem with those excuses is that they’re all bullshit. You see, the nervous system of an infant is MORE sensitive and susceptible to trauma because it’s still in development compared to the nervous system of an adult. Infants feel pain MORE intensely than adults do. Especially since they can’t go under general anesthesia the way adults can. As far as religious reasons go...when a child is old enough to declare their faith and adopt a specific religion, then they are also able to consent to doing whatever to their body as required by their religion. The REAL reason to circumcise an infant is because it’s a parental “preference” which is only legally justified when a child is young enough that they cannot speak or voice any opinion whatsoever. Since they can only scream and have no rights beyond that, it becomes the perfect opportunity for parents to FORCE their religion and aesthetic preferences into someone else who can’t consent. Because no boy capable of speaking would voluntarily consent to having part of their dick cut off.
I am uncut. From what I have seen, it is pretty uncommon, but more so for older people. The younger you are the ore likely you are to be uncut it seems. (I am American and ams speaking for both Arizona and California as I have had nudist experiences in both).
In the uk I was cut as a child, no idea how common or uncommon it is over here, most the ones I've seen have been uncut.