I have been monitoring my stool output compared to my food input and something does not add up. I have been feeling the need to release a stool, but something has been blocking the release. It is like I am clenching which is holding in the stool. The only time I was able to properly release a stool was after I created an account on Tinder and wrote details on what I am looking for in a relationship. I have been able to force release stools using an enema technique and the stools have been complete healthy. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Coffee and a smoke in the morning, beer the rest of the day. Something will come out, guaranteed :cheers2:
Does anyone have anything relevant to post about this? The only other information I have is that after my previous comment, my stool passing was very easy.
perhaps see a doctor, tell them the whole story. maybe you need a checkup, or some anxiety meds/therapy? I dunno... But this really is a question for a physician or specialist, not us.
Maybe you need a good cleanse. Eat a bag of prunes and see if you retain those slippery little bastards.
I have been consuming quite a lot of yoghurt and baby spinach so I do not believe there is any issue with my diet. It is like the stool is forced to stay inside due to an unknown clenching of the ano-rectal area. Stool passing is effortless using an enema technique and the stools are completely healthy.
There is also an unvolitary tensing and relaxing of the muscles related to releasing fecal matter. When I tense/clench down to release fecal matter, my muscles seem to unvolitary tense and relax. I have seen the fecal matter come out in the shape of a J twice now this way. What could be causing my body to tense and relax unvolitarily when I try to tense/clench down myself? I think this is also related to previous messages of the holding in of fecal matter and it being released after mentioning something which can be interpreted by another person.
Another few weird symptoms to the voluntary involuntary tensing and relaxing of muscles related to defacation are irregular inconsistent bowel strictures and miniscule stool passings, even with more to go.